.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. highlight:: shell .. index:: Changes; Backporting .. _tools_of_the_documentation_team: =============================== Tools of the Documentation Team =============================== api.typo3.org ============= Landing page ------------ The landing page of https://api.typo3.org/ is automatically updated when this file is updated in GitHub: https://github.com/TYPO3-Documentation/DocsTypo3Org-Homepage/blob/main/WebRootResources-api.typo3.org/index.html As this is a pure HTML file, we currently keep the content in this rst file: https://github.com/TYPO3-Documentation/DocsTypo3Org-Homepage/blob/main/Documentation/Home/ApiTypo3Org.rst locally render it, then update :file:`WebRootResources-api.typo3.org/index.html` with the rendered output. The workflow responsible for replacing the landing page is https://github.com/TYPO3-Documentation/DocsTypo3Org-Homepage/blob/main/.github/workflows/apihome.yml Generated API per version ------------------------- The content per version https://api.typo3.org/main, https://api.typo3.org/12.4 etc is generated with Doxygen. A Doxygen Docker image is maintained by the TYPO3 GmbH in this repository: https://github.com/TYPO3GmbH/doxygenapi The rendering is triggered by this workflow which we in the documentation team can change: https://github.com/TYPO3-Documentation/t3docs-ci-deploy/blob/main/.github/workflows/api-typo3-org.yml .. attention:: This workflow is running automatically for max 60 days then it has to be restarted manually