.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _configure-subnav: SUBNAV subpart ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Next we will configure the subpart SUBNAV. This subpart should render the sub navigation, which will be displayed in the left column of the Frontend output. Basically this again is a normal menu, but with a couple of twists. First of all, it should not show the pages which are on the first level of the page tree, but instead those which are below the active page on level 1. Furthermore the sub navigation should also show pages on deeper levels like on level 3. So we also have to configure this level. Here again is the structure of the HTML code, which we need to replace: .. code-block:: html
We again define an :code:`HMENU`: .. code-block:: typoscript SUBNAV = HMENU Now we have to set the level of the page tree on which the menu should begin. This can be done with the property :code:`entryLevel`, which is provided by the :code:`HMENU` object. If it is set to :code:`0`, the menu begins with the first level of pages below the root page. That is what is used in the top menu TOPNAV by default Here we want to start one level deeper, so we set: .. code-block:: typoscript SUBNAV = HMENU SUBNAV.entryLevel = 1 .. note:: Setting an :code:`entryLevel` does not change the numbers used for levels inside the menu object. The first level is still "1", the next one "2", etc. Given the HTML code above we can see that we have the same structure on level 1 as on level 2, i.e.: - we need one :code:`