.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _cobj-files: FILES ^^^^^ This content object was integrated with the File Abstraction Layer (FAL) and is there to output information about files. .. note:: Do not mix this up with the cObject :ref:`FILE `; both are different cObjects. .. container:: table-row Property files Data type string /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description Comma-separated list of sys_file UIDs, which are loaded into the FILES object. **Example:** .. code-block:: typoscript page.10 = FILES page.10.files = 12,15,16 .. container:: table-row Property references Data type string /:ref:`stdWrap ` or array Description Provides a way to load files from a file field (of type IRRE with sys_file_reference as child table). You can either provide a UID or a comma-separated list of UIDs from the database table sys_file_reference or you have to specify a table, uid and field name in the according sub-properties of "references". See further documentation of these sub-properties in the table below. **Examples:** .. code-block:: typoscript references = 27,28 This will get the items from the database table sys_file_reference with the UIDs 27 and 28. .. code-block:: typoscript references { table = tt_content uid = 256 fieldName = image } This will fetch all relations to the image field of the tt_content record "256". .. code-block:: typoscript references { table = pages uid.data = page:uid fieldName = media } This will fetch all items related to the page.media field. .. container:: table-row Property collections Data type string /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description Comma-separated list of sys_file_collection UIDs, which are loaded into the FILES object. .. container:: table-row Property folders Data type string /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description Comma-separated list of combined folder identifiers which are loaded into the FILES object. A combined folder identifier looks like this: [storageUid]:[folderIdentifier]. The first part is the UID of the storage and the second part the identifier of the folder. The identifier of the folder is often equivalent to the relative path of the folder. The property folders has the option :typoscript:`recursive` to get files recursively. **Example:** .. code-block:: typoscript page.10 = FILES page.10.folders = 2:mypics/,4:myimages/ Example for option :typoscript:`recursive`: .. code-block:: typoscript filecollection = FILES filecollection { folders = 1:images/ folders.recursive = 1 renderObj = IMAGE renderObj { file.import.data = file:current:uid } } .. container:: table-row Property sorting Data type string /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description Name of the field, which should be used to sort the files. Available sub-property: **direction:** string /stdWrap. The direction, in which the files should be sorted. Possible values are "asc" for ascending and "desc" for descending. Ascending is the default. .. container:: table-row Property begin Data type integer /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description The first item to return. If not set (default), items beginning with the first one are returned. .. container:: table-row Property maxItems Data type integer /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description Maximum number of items to return. If not set (default), items until the last one are returned. If begin and maxItems together exceed the number of available items, no items beyond the last available item will be returned - output won't continue with the first available item. .. container:: table-row Property renderObj Data type :ref:`cObject ` :ref:`+optionSplit ` Description The cObject used for rendering the files. It is executed once for every file. Note that during each execution you can find information about the current file using the getText property "file" :ref:`data-type-gettext-file` with the "current" keyword. Look there to find out which properties of the file are available. **Example:** .. code-block:: typoscript page.10.renderObj = TEXT page.10.renderObj { stdWrap.data = file:current:size stdWrap.wrap =

File size:|

} This returns the size of the current file. .. container:: table-row Property stdWrap Data type :ref:`->stdWrap ` [tsref:(cObject).FILES] .. _cobj-files-references: Special key: "references" """"""""""""""""""""""""" .. container:: table-row Property table Data type string /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description The table name of the table having the file field. .. container:: table-row Property uid Data type string /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description The UID of the record from which to fetch the referenced files. .. container:: table-row Property fieldName Data type string /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description Field name of the file field in the table. [tsref:(cObject).FILES.references] .. _cobj-files-examples: Examples: """"""""" .. _cobj-files-examples-files: Usage with files ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In this example, we first load files using several of the methods explained above (using sys_file UIDs, collection UIDs, and folders). Then we use the :ref:`TEXT ` cObject as renderObj to output the file size of all files that were found: .. code-block:: typoscript page.10 = FILES page.10.files = 12,15,16 page.10.collections = 2,9 page.10.folders = 1:mypics/ page.10.renderObj = TEXT page.10.renderObj { stdWrap.data = file:current:size stdWrap.wrap =

File size: |

} .. _cobj-files-examples-references: Usage with references ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In this second example, we use "references" to get the images related to a given page (in this case, the current page). We start with the first image and return up to five images. Each image is then rendered as an :ref:`IMAGE ` cObject with some meta data coming from the file itself or from the reference to it (title): .. code-block:: typoscript page.20 = FILES page.20 { references { table = pages uid.data = tsfe:id fieldName = media } begin = 0 maxItems = 5 renderObj = IMAGE renderObj { file.import.dataWrap = {file:current:storage}:{file:current:identifier} altText.data = file:current:title wrap =
} stdWrap.wrap = } .. _cobj-files-examples-sliding: Usage with sliding ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ One usual feature is to use images attached to pages and use them up and down the page tree, a process called "sliding". .. code-block:: typoscript lib.banner = FILES lib.banner { references { data = levelmedia: -1, slide } renderObj = IMAGE renderObj { file.import.dataWrap = {file:current:storage}:{file:current:identifier} altText.data = file:current:title wrap = } }