.. This reStructured text file has been automatically generated, do not change. .. Source: https://github.com/TYPO3/Fluid/blob/main/src/ViewHelpers/Format/CaseViewHelper.php :edit-on-github-link: https://github.com/TYPO3/Fluid/edit/main/src/ViewHelpers/Format/CaseViewHelper.php :navigation-title: format.case .. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _typo3fluid-fluid-format-case: ======================================== Format.case ViewHelper `` ======================================== Modifies the case of an input string to upper- or lowercase or capitalization. The default transformation will be uppercase as in `mb_convert_case`_. Possible modes are: ``lower`` Transforms the input string to its lowercase representation ``upper`` Transforms the input string to its uppercase representation ``capital`` Transforms the input string to its first letter upper-cased, i.e. capitalization ``uncapital`` Transforms the input string to its first letter lower-cased, i.e. uncapitalization ``capitalWords`` Not supported yet: Transforms the input string to each containing word being capitalized Note that the behavior will be the same as in the appropriate PHP function `mb_convert_case`_; especially regarding locale and multibyte behavior. .. _mb_convert_case: https://www.php.net/manual/function.mb-convert-case.php Examples ======== Default ------- :: Some Text with miXed case Output:: SOME TEXT WITH MIXED CASE Example with given mode ----------------------- :: someString Output:: SomeString .. _typo3fluid-fluid-format-case_source: Source code =========== Go to the source code of this ViewHelper: `CaseViewHelper.php (GitHub) `__. .. _typo3fluid-fluid-format-case_arguments: Arguments ========= The following arguments are available for ``: .. confval-menu:: :display: table :type: :default: .. _typo3fluid-fluid-format-case-value_argument: .. confval:: value :name: typo3fluid-fluid-format-case-value :type: string :required: false The input value. If not given, the evaluated child nodes will be used. .. _typo3fluid-fluid-format-case-mode_argument: .. confval:: mode :name: typo3fluid-fluid-format-case-mode :type: string :default: `'upper'` :required: false The case to apply, must be one of this' CASE_* constants. Defaults to uppercase application.