.. This reStructured text file has been automatically generated, do not change. .. Source: https://github.com/TYPO3/Fluid/blob/main/src/ViewHelpers/SplitViewHelper.php :edit-on-github-link: https://github.com/TYPO3/Fluid/edit/main/src/ViewHelpers/SplitViewHelper.php :navigation-title: split .. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _typo3fluid-fluid-split: ============================ Split ViewHelper `` ============================ The SplitViewHelper splits a string by the specified separator, which results in an array. The number of values in the resulting array can be limited with the limit parameter, which results in an array where the last item contains the remaining unsplit string. This ViewHelper mimicks PHP's :php:`explode()` function. Examples ======== Split with a separator ----------------------- :: .. code-block:: text {0: '1', 1: '5', 2: '8'} Split using tag content as value -------------------------------- :: 1-5-8 .. code-block:: text {0: '1', 1: '5', 2: '8'} Split with a limit ------------------- :: .. code-block:: text {0: '1', 1: '5,8'} .. _typo3fluid-fluid-split_source: Source code =========== Go to the source code of this ViewHelper: `SplitViewHelper.php (GitHub) `__. .. _typo3fluid-fluid-split_arguments: Arguments ========= The following arguments are available for ``: .. confval-menu:: :display: table :type: :default: .. _typo3fluid-fluid-split-value_argument: .. confval:: value :name: typo3fluid-fluid-split-value :type: string :required: false The string to explode .. _typo3fluid-fluid-split-separator_argument: .. confval:: separator :name: typo3fluid-fluid-split-separator :type: string :required: true Separator string to explode with .. _typo3fluid-fluid-split-limit_argument: .. confval:: limit :name: typo3fluid-fluid-split-limit :type: mixed :default: `9223372036854775807` :required: false If limit is positive, a maximum of $limit items will be returned. If limit is negative, all items except for the last $limit items will be returned. 0 will be treated as 1.