.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt ========================== TYPO3 Exception 1242292003 ========================== .. include:: /If-you-encounter-this-exception.rst.txt could not determine type of argument "section" of the render-method in ViewHelper "Tx_Fluid_ViewHelpers_RenderViewHelper" ========================================================================================================================= .. note:: The information on this page is outdated and no longer applies to TYPO3 >= 10.0 (and was deprecated in earlier versions). Arguments to a ViewHelper are registered with :php:`registerArgument()` and no longer passed as arguments to the render function. See Changelog `Deprecation: #81213 - Render method arguments on ViewHelpers deprecated `__ This exception is thrown if the PHPDoc `@param` entry in a Fluid ViewHelper is incorrect or if you are using a PHP optimizer with opcode caching like the builtin `Opcache `__ and have disabled the storing of PHPDoc blocks. Fluid ViewHelpers needed the PHPDoc entries to determine the data type (in older TYPO3 versions). .. code-block:: text #1242292003: could not determine type of argument "section" of the render-method in ViewHelper "Tx_Fluid_ViewHelpers_RenderViewHelper". Either the methods docComment is invalid or some PHP optimizer strips off comments. **Solution:** #. check PHPDoc block, it must start with \*\* (two stars). #. attribute must be mentioned as :php:`@param type $variableName`. #. alternatively use :php:`$this->registerArgument()` in :php:`initializeArguments()` method. #. If using `eAccelerator `__: compile eAccelerator with option "--with-eaccelerator-doc-comment-inclusion": "If you want eAccelerator to retain doc-comments in internal php structures" (eAccelerator help) #. Use another PHP optimizer. I use xCache on Debian Squeeze which seems to work fine. #. using the opcode cache of modern PHP versions, you can set opcache.save_comments=1 (and opcache.load_comments=1 in PHP < 7.0). Links: - `eAccelerator `__