.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt ========================== TYPO3 Exception 1316104317 ========================== .. include:: /If-you-encounter-this-exception.rst.txt :: #1316104317 TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Mvc\Exception The default controller for extension "..." and plugin "..." can not be determined.` If this happens for your own extensions: ======================================== Basic requirements ------------------ This basically means that you need to define a controller in your :file:`ext_localconf.php`. Usually the first entry is taken as default controller/action. Here's an example: .. code-block:: php \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Utility\ExtensionUtility::configurePlugin( //assuming your extension is in typo3conf/ext/your_ext folder 'YourExt', // Plugin name 'Pi1', // An array of controller-action combinations. The first one found is the default one. [ \YourVendor\YourExt\Controller\YourController::class => 'index,new,create,edit,update' ], // An array of non-cacheable controller-action-combinations (they must already be enabled) [ \YourVendor\YourExt\Controller\YourController::class => 'new,create,edit,update' ], ); Situation: Adding your plugin via TypoScript -------------------------------------------- This error can appear if you got your TypoScript wrong. Make sure that you write your settings with the first letter in uppercase and double-check your :file:`ext_localconf.php`. .. code-block:: typoscript lib.test = USER_INT lib.test { # Calling the extbase bootstrapper userFunc = TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Core\Bootstrap->run # Upper camel case! extensionName = YourExt vendorName = YourVendor # As you set it in \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Utility\ExtensionUtility::configurePlugin pluginName = Pi1 } Situation: Adding the Plugin via FlexForm Plugin ------------------------------------------------- Extbase has the possibility to override internal configuration from FlexForms. This error might appear if you change a plugin from different types. Try deleting the plugin instance and add a new one, or clear :sql:`tt_content.pi_flexform` field for current plugin, to avoid wrong switchableControllerActions from FlexForm. If this still isn't resolved, or happens for 3rd party extensions: ================================================================== Broken routing configuration: ----------------------------- If you got this error for e.g. `EXT:news` which probably shouldn't be badly configured, it can be a broken routing configuration. So check your site yaml (includes) for .. code-block:: yaml routeEnhancers: News: type: Extbase extension: News And replace the lines following that with a default solution from the docs. Bad redirects: -------------- If you have a httpd redirect, custom early middleware redirect, or a TYPO3 redirect configured for the URL, even a simple one like redirecting `/paths` to variants with trailing slash `/paths/` then this can happen, too. Although that is more common with POST scenarios. Removing that redirect could resolve that problem.