.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt ========================== TYPO3 Exception 1327065745 ========================== .. include:: /If-you-encounter-this-exception.rst.txt Unsupported or non-existing property name "..." used in relation matching ========================================================================= Changed Caching --------------- Caching TCA information changed in TYPO3 v8. Solution: ^^^^^^^^^ From the core `API docs `__: The second way is to call `\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ExtensionManagementUtility::makeCategorizable()`. This method adds a new entry into the registry managed by `\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Category\CategoryRegistry`. The registry will take care of adding the relevant `$TCA` definition to create a field for making relations to the system categories. The call to **makeCategorizable() must be located in an extension's Configuration/TCA/Overrides folder** (or :file:`ext_tables.php` file before TYPO3 CMS 6.2.1). Wrong Relation -------------- Use of 1:1 relation in domain model but querying it as a n:m relation. Solution: ^^^^^^^^^ The query must use `equals()` for 1:1 relation. If you use `contains()` extbase will expects a 1:n or n:m relation.