.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt ========================== TYPO3 Exception 1365429656 ========================== .. include:: /If-you-encounter-this-exception.rst.txt TYPO3 Fatal Error: Extension key "..." is NOT loaded! ===================================================== TYPO3 >= 10 LTS --------------- Starting with TYPO3 10 LTS the variable `$_EXTKEY` isn't filled with the extension key anymore. Solution: use the hardcoded extension key within ext_tables.php and :file:`ext_localconf.php`. See this page for further details: `best-practices-for-ext-tables-php-and-ext-localconf-php `__ However, notice that $_EXTKEY `must be used in ext_emconf.php `__. .. _typo3-10-lts-1: TYPO3 < 10 LTS -------------- This error might come up, if you delete the files of a Extension from the Extension Path (:file:`typo3conf/ext`), which is still activated in TYPO3. **At first you should check, if there is a typo in the name of the extension key.** To solve this error, follow these steps: *(Info: These steps will remove the installed extensions from the "loaded Extension list" and TYPO3 cache.)* 1) remove the Extension from the loaded extension part in :file:`typo3conf/LocalConfiguration.php` - `[['EXT']['extConf']['*your_extension_key*']]` 2) remove either all files from :file:`typo3temp`-folder, or at least the files in :file:`typo3temp/var/Cache/Code/cache_core` named :file:`ext_tables.php` and :file:`ext_localconf.php`. In former versions of TYPO3 the folder name is :file:`typo3temp/var/Cache/Code/cache_core`. The error should be gone by now and the extension is removed. Reinstall the extension if needed. Additionally, this error might come up if you re-structure your TCA files to fit into the new 6.2 structure. If you try to use `$_EXTKEY` in the :file:`Configuration/TCA/tablename.php` files (for paths with `extPath($_EXTKEY)`), then `$_EXTKEY` will be empty and thus TYPO3 looks for the extension ' '. Solution is to replace `$_EXTKEY` by the extension key of the extension. If you encounter this error during an upgrade to 6.2, you might check your :file:`LocalConfiguration.php` for the right order of extensions in the deprecated `extListArray`. (e.g. `EXT:formhandler` has to be included before `EXT:formhandler_subscription`.)