.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt ========================== TYPO3 Exception 1476107941 ========================== .. include:: /If-you-encounter-this-exception.rst.txt [TYPO3 11.3] - [2021.08.13] ==================================== TYPO3 cannot configure Dependency Injection for the plugin controller. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Dependeny Injection may not be properly configured. Make sure that either the affected class or all classes (`_defaults`) have :yaml:`autoconfigure: true` defined. Bare minimum example: .. code-block:: yaml :caption: Configuration/Services.yaml services: _defaults: # ... autoconfigure: true # ... # ... See :ref:`t3coreapi:dependency-injection-Configuration` in TYPO3 Explained. [TYPO3 LTS 10] - [2021.05.05] ==================================== Unable to call the controller configured in a plugin. ------------------------------------------------------ TYPO3 creates the wrong class object for the controller due to using only the controller name (and not the fully qualified class name) in :php:`configurePlugin` or :php:`registerModule`. **Incorrect example:** .. code-block:: php :caption: ext_localconf.php \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Utility\ExtensionUtility::configurePlugin( 'Examples', // $extensionName 'HtmlParser', // plugin name // this is deprecated! ['ControllerName' => 'actionName'], // this is deprecated! ['ControllerName' => 'actionName'] ); Use fully qualified class names as array keys in arguments :php:`$controllerActions` and :php:`$nonCacheableControllerActions` in :php:`configurePlugin` or :php:`registerModule`. More details are in the changelog :doc:`ext_core:Changelog/10.0/Deprecation-87550-UseControllerClassesWhenRegisteringPluginsmodules`: **Correct example:** .. code-block:: php :caption: ext_localconf.php \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Utility\ExtensionUtility::configurePlugin( 'Examples', // $extensionName 'HtmlParser', // plugin name // controller class name => action name [\T3docs\Examples\Controller\HtmlParserController::class => 'search',], [\T3docs\Examples\Controller\HtmlParserController::class => 'search',] );