.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt ========================== TYPO3 Exception 1639819269 ========================== .. include:: /If-you-encounter-this-exception.rst.txt TYPO3 12.4.12 - 20.03.2024 ========================== Installation Overview --------------------- Sending a :php:`\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Mail\FluidEmail` from a console command. The template uses the :ref:`t3viewhelper:typo3-fluid-uri-page`. The Issue --------- Error message: .. code-block:: text :caption: Example error output [ERROR] The rendering context of ViewHelper f:link.page is missing a valid request object. Solution -------- Switch to using other ViewHelpers or set a valid request object to the :php:`FluidEmail` See also :ref:`Send email with FluidEmail `.