.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt ========================== TYPO3 Exception 1225709597 ========================== .. include:: /If-you-encounter-this-exception.rst.txt The template files "", "" could not be loaded. ============================================== The requested Fluid template (or Partial file linked from within a Template file) is missing. Verify the configured file path/s and any linked Partials, and check the (case-sensitive) filename/s. In case the following error occurs *Oops, an error occurred!* *The template files "", "" could not be loaded.* *More information regarding this error might be available online.* make sure you are using a slash but not a backslash. TYPO3CMS >= 6.2 =============== Make sure paths to partials DO NOT start with a slash. - **Working** (with *./typo3conf/ext/extension_with_super_cow_powers/Resources/Private/Partials/Product/TabWithGal.html* present) :: - Not Working (but worked in 6.1.x) ::