.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt ========================== TYPO3 Exception 1278450972 ========================== .. include:: /If-you-encounter-this-exception.rst.txt #1278450972: Class ... does not exist. Reflection failed. TYPO3 9.5 =================================================================== We had a whitespace at the beginning of the filename of the file containing the class. When switching over from working with TYPO3 v10+ back to TYPO3 v9.5, remember that you have to specify the fully qualified name for parameters, as opposed to TYPO3 v10+ where you can import the class name. #1278450972: Class ... does not exist. Reflection failed. After updating to TYPO3 11 ==================================================================================== We missed the required update in the registration of plugins and modules to use the full class name. See `Breaking: #92609 - Use controller classes when registering plugins/modules `__. #1278450972: Class ... does not exist. Reflection failed. in TYPO3 11 ==================================================================================== Running `composer update` fixes the problem in a Composer based installation of TYPO3. #1278450972: The classname "..." was not found and thus can not be reflected. ============================================================================= This (extbase) error can occur if you have annotated a (controller action) method using `@param` but have not given it a type hint. If the annotation is wrong this error will occur. Example: :: /** * A test action * * @param \MyVendor\MyExtension\Domain\Motel\InvalidName $myVariable */ public function testAction($myVariable) { As you see the `@param` annotation is wrong. Because you usually have not any `Domain\Motel` namespace and there is no type hint for $myVariable in the function header. So either correct the annotation, clear all caches: :: /** * A test action * * @param \MyVendor\MyExtension\Domain\Model\ValidName $myVariable */ public function testAction($myVariable) { Or try to add a type hint: :: /** * A test action * * @param \MyVendor\MyExtension\Domain\Model\ValidName $myVariable */ public function testAction(\MyVendor\MyExtension\Domain\Model\ValidName $myVariable) { I had a Composer based Installation. And i have to add my ext. to the psr4 autoload in copmposer.json: :: "autoload": { "psr-4": { "MyVendor\\MyExtension\\":"web/typo3conf/ext/MyExtension/Classes" } }, #1278450972 TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Reflection\Exception\UnknownClassException ======================================================================== **Class Boolean does not exist. Reflection failed.** :: at TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Reflection\ReflectionService->buildClassSchema('Vendorname\\Extensionname\\Domain\\Model\\MyModel') Got this error because in MyModel was a setter with a wrong typehint, in my case it was something like :: public function setFreeShipping(\Boolean $freeShipping) Solution was to change *\\Boolean* to *bool*.