.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt ========================== TYPO3 Exception 1297759968 ========================== .. include:: /If-you-encounter-this-exception.rst.txt Exception while property mapping at property path "":Object with identity "1" not found. ======================================================================================== This error is thrown when a link to a hidden record is called. Exception while property mapping at property path "":Method::__construct() does not exist ========================================================================================== The ReflectionService tries to get the constructor arguments of your model class, which in this case seem not to exist. As a work around you can put an empty :php:`__construct` method in your model class :: /** * */ public function __construct() { } Exception while property mapping at property path "":Could not find a suitable type converter for "array|null" because no such class or interface exists ======================================================================================================================================================== See https://forge.typo3.org/issues/48172 Try updating the relevant extensions and TYPO3. If everything is up-to-date and the error still occurs setting the TypoScript option `plugin.tx_news.features.rewrittenPropertyMapper = 0` may help. .. hint:: Enabling/disabling the `rewrittenPropertyMapper` has huge impacts on extbase behaviour. You are strongly advised to learn about the "new" propertyMapper and how to use/configure it rather then deactivating it. Exception while property mapping at property path "": Could not find a suitable type converter for "..." because no such class or interface exists. =================================================================================================================================================== After adding an new model and clearing the caches (BE -> :guilabel:`Flush system caches`, :bash:`rm -rf typo3temp/Cache/`), the new class still was not found. Deactivating and reactivating the extension was solution. Background: the autoload information (:file:`typo3temp/autoload/`) wasn't flushed/updated. Since TYPO3 v8 there's a option in the install-tool for regenerating the autoconfiguration files. Exception while property mapping at property path "...": Could not determine the child object type. ==================================================================================================== Try clearing all caches. Try to truncate the :sql:`cf_extbase_reflection` table after you modified the model. Exception while property mapping at property path "Property 0" was not found in target object of type "..." =========================================================================================================== When using extended models you need to set the base class variables to protected instead of private. Another solution could be to truncate the "cf_extbase_reflection" table This error is also displayed if a property in a fluid-form is wrong. In my case I had property="{object.propertyName}" instead of property="propertyName" Exception while property mapping at property path "...":No converter found which can be used to convert from "array" to "string". ================================================================================================================================= The solution is there: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16405963/typo3-how-to-use-file-upload-with-extbase Exception while property mapping at property path "It is not allowed to map property "badproperty". ..." ======================================================================================================== - Possible Cause: For me the reason was a
inside a . Seems like the __trustedProperies in the second form made my first form to fail. - See also: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18654920/extbase-exception-while-property-mapping-at-property-path If `badProperty` is an ObjectStorage that holds references to other models and you want to edit this relation in a Fluid form with a multiselect or checkboxes, don't let Fluid convert your objects. So instead of doing this: :: assign only the uid integers to the viewhelper, like this: :: Exception while property mapping at property path "":The target type was no string, but of type "NULL" ====================================================================================================== See https://forge.typo3.org/issues/66049 This issue concerning passing an array of objects to a controller action should have been resolved in 7.x because the old property mapper has been removed completely. Exception while property mapping at property path "": Path does not exist in array ================================================================================== When resetting options in YAML config files for EXT:form write :: formEditor: editors: 700: null instead of :: formEditor: editors: 700: identifier: null templateName: null Exception while property mapping at property path "propertyname": The identity property "" is no UID. ===================================================================================================== TYPO3 expects a relation as a property and can't find it. Check if a related database record exists (here: at "propertyname") and make sure to catch the error if no relation is present. This can also happen if an extbase form has an object with a file upload element (and involved TypeConverters): If a bot maliciously spams your form, it might submit a POST/GET request with that type=file upload element, but uses type=text instead. This will lead into a structure, where the property will not contain the expected array data (tmp_name, name, errors, size, ... from $_FILES), and lead to this exception. In this case the error would say `The Identity property "a2vsd3fs" is no UID`, where `a2vsd3fs` is the actual random spam string submitted by the bot, even though it reads like a TYPO3 internal UID placeholder. You can silence that error by using an initializeAction and checking if the mentioned properties actually are submitted as an array, or only as a string. But in fact, this exception would not be "wrong", because the actual bot request was faulty. But we wanted this recurring error not to flood our sys_log entries. (TODO: This might also be fixable with better property mapping configuration and/or TypeConverter checks catching this error; the UploadedFileReferenceTypeConverter from Helmut Hummel was used in this case, which provoked the error above) Exception while property mapping at property path "filter": No delimiter configured for TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Property\TypeConverter\ArrayConverter and non-empty value given. ========================================================================================================================================================================== This could happen if your Fluid ViewHelper for a checkbox is like this and filter is an array: :: You have to add multiple="1" in the Fluid ViewHelper: ::