.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt ========================== TYPO3 Exception 1407060572 ========================== .. include:: /If-you-encounter-this-exception.rst.txt Fluid parse error in template "..." =================================== Case 1: Missing Extension --------------------------------------------------- **E.g. #1 Frontend editing required but not installed** If you did change your templates like this: :html:` ` … you need to add the `frontend_editing` extension. -------------- **E.g. #2 Vhs extension missing** **Fluid parse error in template** Query_action_show_0c62eb625eb2a7904988fc25163bb9056e30949a, line 11 at character 1. Error: The ViewHelper :html:`` could not be resolved. Based on your spelling, the system would load the class `FluidTYPO3\Vhs\ViewHelpers\Variable\SetViewHelper`, however this class does not exist. (error code 1407060572). Template source chunk: :html:`` In Fluid the namespace :html:`{namespace v=FluidTYPO3\Vhs\ViewHelpers}` was declared, but the Vhs extension was missing. Case 2 - Typos -------------- **Uncaught TYPO3 Exception** #1407060572: Fluid parse error in template Standard_action_index_d05c4e8f75e024f00a98da5e29c3ed0043a25267, line 9 at character 1. Error: The ViewHelper :html:`` could not be resolved. Based on your spelling, the system would load the class `MyVendor\MyExtension\ViewHelpers\CustomViewHelper`, however this class does not exist. (error code 1407060572). Template source chunk: :html:`` Check for typos! I named the ViewHelper "CustomViewhelper" with an lowercase "h", which leads to above fatal error. Case 3 - Autoloading failed --------------------------- Check for correct namespaces derived from PSR-4 in /vendor/composer/autoload_psr4.php. Sometimes the class hasnt been autoloaded at all, due to typos in composer.json. Case 4 - Clear Caches --------------------- Clearing caches in Install Tool resolved the error. Case 5 - Fix outdated ViewHelpers --------------------------------- In many cases the ViewHelpers of an Extension have changed. This can happen, when partials or templates did not get updated when an extension was updated. In this case you have to check, where the Viewhelper is used and compare it to the new template or partial. For example in powermail this ViewHelper: :html:`{foo}` Is in newer versions this: :html:`{foo}`