.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt ========================== TYPO3 Exception 1534710048 ========================== .. include:: /If-you-encounter-this-exception.rst.txt Exeption is thrown when click in Backend on Module "Sites" ========================================================== This error happens after upgrading from TYPO3 8 or 9 or after importing a database from an older TYPO3 instance. It happens on trying to create a site configuration. The error is cause by Missing database tables Solution: --------- Go to :guilabel:`Admin Tools -> Maintenance -> Database Compare` and bring the database schema up to date. Exception is thrown when trying to edit records in BE ===================================================== Error in TCA configuration -------------------------- Might be caused by a TCA definition of a table other then pages using the following: .. code-block:: php 'displayCond' => 'USER:' . \\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Compatibility\PseudoSiteTcaDisplayCondition::class . '->isInPseudoSite:pages:false' is used for records. The pseudo site check should only be used for pages. Remove or adopt display condition. Problem occurred for example in tt_address >= 5.0.0, < 5.2.0 for field slug. The error may only occur if you edit specific records as a problem only arises if a page(!) with the uid of the record(!) does not exist. Extension news or tt_address needs updates ------------------------------------------ Some versions of the extensions news and tt_address can cause this error on opening records like sys_category. Updating the extension to the most recent version can help. For example updating News to version 8.4.1 or newer `fixes this issue `_.