.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt ========================== TYPO3 Exception 1551950301 ========================== .. include:: /If-you-encounter-this-exception.rst.txt .. TYPO3 [version] - [date of report] ================================== Installation Overview --------------------- Provide as much information about your installation of TYPO3 including its version number and any other information that you think will be relevant to other users who encounter the same issue. The Issue --------- Detail each of the steps or changes that took place leading up to the issue occurring. Solution -------- Did you resolve the issue? List the steps or changes made that resolved the issue. TYPO3 10.4 - 2023-01-26 ================================== The Issue --------- - "Hash has to be non-empty string." - Entries in :sql:`sys_file` table point to non-existing files on the server Solution --------- - Ensure that the files contained in your :file:`fileadmin/` tree are consistent with your :sql:`sys_file` database relations. You may either be missing referenced files in :file:`fileadmin/`, or :sql:`sys_file` lists outdated entries. The CLI command `typo3 cleanup:missingfiles` may help synchronizing your database to the current :file:`fileadmin/` structure.