.. You may want to use the usual include line. Uncomment and adjust the path. .. include:: ../Includes.txt ========== AlmGallery ========== :Created: 2006-05-21T14:35:18 :Changed: 2015-04-14T16:07:04.286000000 :Classification: almgallery :Description: AlmGallery - a simple folder gallery :Keywords: almgallery :Email: Andi Platen :Info 2: :Info 3: :Info 4: .. _EXT-AlmGallery: EXT: AlmGallery =============== Extension Key: **alm\_gallery** Andi Platen This document is published under the Open Content License available from http://www.opencontent.org/opl.shtml The content of this document is related to TYPO3 - a GNU/GPL CMS/Framework available from `www.typo3.org `_ .. _Table-of-Contents: Table of Contents ----------------- **Setup 1** **TS Settings 2** **Template Vars 2** **MetaTypes & MetaValues 2** **ToDo 2** .. _Setup: Setup ----- - Install Plugin - Copy the template file (ext/alm\_gallery/Resources/Private/Templates/F oldergallery/Render.html) in your template folder (fileadmin/template) - Design your template - Add template path to your typoscript-plugin-settings (plugin.tx\_almgallery.settings.foldergallery.template.render = fileadmin/template/your\_gallery.html) - Or make it selectable with (plugin.tx\_almgallery.settings.foldergallery.template.select.1 = fileadmin/template/your\_gallery.html) - Insert new content element 'FolderGallery' - Select template (optional) - Select image folder - Define MetaTypes & MetaValues .. _TS-Settings: TS Settings ----------- plugin.tx\_almgallery { settings { foldergallery { extensions = jpg,jpeg,gif,png crop = proportional thumbWidth = 400 thumbHeight = 400 \# template.render = fileadmin/template/foldergallery\_1.html \# template.select.1 = fileadmin/template/foldergallery\_1.html \# template.select.2 = fileadmin/template/foldergallery\_2.html } } } Add your own settings to access in the template: plugin.tx\_almgallery.settings.foldergallery.mySetting = myValueMeta .. _Template-Vars: Template Vars ------------- - settings - meta - images .. _MetaTypes-MetaValues: MetaTypes & MetaValues ---------------------- Example MetaTypes: Title, Photographer, Tags Example MetaValues: MyImage; Mr. X; summer, holiday, sun (types divided by ';' and items devided by ',') **Template access example:**
  • {val.normal}
  • .. _ToDo: ToDo ---- - code optimization - add functionality - add more gallery-types AlmGallery - 2