This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

Use as plugin

There are two possible plugin modes:

img-7 Abb. 1: choose your favorite plugin type in backend

ASIN based plugins

Product listing

Add your favorite products by entering their ASINs in the ASINlist field. While saving, the ASINs will be verified. If all products are valid, you'll see the default template with an image, the title, the description and the price of every product in the frontend.

img-9 Abb. 2: possible frontend view for product listing

Book listing

Similar to the product view, the input for the book listing also requires ASINs. The only difference between products and books is the frontend rendering. The default template gives the following values back:

  • image
  • title
  • author (if set)
  • description (if set)
  • price
  • publication date

img-10 Abb. 3: possible frontend view for book listing

Keyword/Category based plugins

img-8 Abb. 4: SearchAndAdd or Bestseller plugin


The only input necessary for the SearchAndAdd plugin is a search keyword. This is similar to the normal web search for, the same products are returned for the keyword. Optional filters are BrowseNode and Sub BrowseNode for the (sub)category selection. With the display limit, you have the possibility to reduce the output to a certain number of products. A limit higher than 10 is not possible, because the maximal number of products is 10.


The bestseller plugin has no required fields, but it is recommended that you restrict the searching category. The module delivers the topselling product from the selected category. Similar to the SearchAndAdd module you also have the possibility to limit the product count for this plugin. The plugin has no keyword field.

img-11 Abb. 4: the output of SearchAndAdd or Bestseller plugin is similar to the product listing