.. _elements: Elements ========= .. only:: html **Table of content:** .. contents:: :local: :depth: 1 .. _elements-general: The configuration of the element can be set with a table when creating the element :: $form->add('my-element', 'text', array('placeholder' => 'My placeholder', 'class' => 'my-css-class')); Or after instanciation :: $form->add('my-element', 'text'); $form->get('my-element')->with('placeholder', 'My placeholder'); .. _elements-button: Button ------ Classic html button. .. figure:: ../Images/button.png You can add a button like this :: $form->add('my-button', 'button', $configuration); Available configuration ============ =================================== ====================== =================================================== Property Description Default value Example ============ =================================== ====================== =================================================== style css style for the html tag width: 150px; disabled true if the html field is disabled false true or false title html tag title my field title custom custom html attribute customattr="customvalue" class css class for the html tag big errorclass css class when there is an error error label label of the button click me! ============ =================================== ====================== =================================================== .. _elements-captcha: Captcha ------- .. figure:: ../Images/captcha.png You can add a captcha like this :: $form->add('my-captcha', 'captcha', $configuration); Available configuration ============ =================================== ====================== =================================================== Property Description Default value Example ============ =================================== ====================== =================================================== placeholder place holder for the html tag Enter the code style css style for the html tag width: 150px; disabled true if the html field is disabled false true or false title html tag title my field title custom custom html attribute customattr="customvalue" class css class for the html tag big errorclass css class when there is an error error errormessage Message if the captcha is not valid Captcha is not valid Captcha is not valid ============ =================================== ====================== =================================================== .. _elements-checkbox: Checkbox -------- .. figure:: ../Images/checkbox.png You can add a checkbox like this :: $form->add('my-checkbox', 'checkbox', $configuration); Available configuration ============ =================================== ====================== =================================================== Property Description Default value Example ============ =================================== ====================== =================================================== style css style for the html tag width: 150px; disabled true if the html field is disabled false true or false title html tag title my field title custom custom html attribute customattr="customvalue" class css class for the html tag big errorclass css class when there is an error error items avalaible choice for checkbox array('1' => 'Item 1', '2' => 'Item 2'); ============ =================================== ====================== =================================================== .. _elements-checksingle: Checksingle ----------- .. figure:: ../Images/checksingle.png You can add a checksingle (yes/no choice) like this :: $form->add('istrue', 'checksingle', $configuration); Available configuration ============ =================================== ====================== =================================================== Property Description Default value Example ============ =================================== ====================== =================================================== style css style for the html tag width: 150px; disabled true if the html field is disabled false true or false title html tag title my field title custom custom html attribute customattr="customvalue" class css class for the html tag big errorclass css class when there is an error error ============ =================================== ====================== =================================================== .. _elements-color: Color ----- .. figure:: ../Images/color.png You can add a input color like this. Work only with html5 browser. :: $form->add('my-color-field', 'color', $configuration); Available configuration ============ =================================== ====================== =================================================== Property Description Default value Example ============ =================================== ====================== =================================================== placeholder place holder for the html tag my firstname style css style for the html tag width: 150px; disabled true if the html field is disabled false true or false title html tag title my field title custom custom html attribute customattr="customvalue" class css class for the html tag big errorclass css class when there is an error error ============ =================================== ====================== =================================================== .. _elements-date: Date ---- .. figure:: ../Images/date.png You can add a date like this. :: $form->add('birthdate', 'date', $configuration); Available configuration =================== ================================================= ====================== =================================================== Property Description Default value Example =================== ================================================= ====================== =================================================== class css class for the html tag big errorclass css class when there is an error error format-display sort field.d for day, m for month and y for year dmy dmy, mdy, ymd year-minimum-limit minimum availaible year 1900 1970 year-maximum-limit maximum availaible year current year + 20 2050 format-output format of the result timestamp timestamp or format compatible with strftime =================== ================================================= ====================== =================================================== .. _elements-datepicker: Datepicker ---------- .. figure:: ../Images/datepicker.png You can add a date picker like this. :: $form->add('startdate', 'datepicker', $configuration); Available configuration =================== ============================================================ ====================== =================================================== Property Description Default value Example =================== ============================================================ ====================== =================================================== format date format (http://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/format/) D MMM YYYY MMM D YYYY placeholder place holder for the html tag my firstname style css style for the html tag width: 150px; disabled true if the html field is disabled false true or false title html tag title my field title custom custom html attribute customattr="customvalue" class css class for the html tag big errorclass css class when there is an error error =================== ============================================================ ====================== =================================================== .. _elements-dropdown: Dropdown -------- .. figure:: ../Images/dropdown.png You can add a checkbox like this :: $form->add('my-dropdown', 'dropdown', $configuration); Available configuration ============ =================================== ====================== =================================================== Property Description Default value Example ============ =================================== ====================== =================================================== style css style for the html tag width: 150px; disabled true if the html field is disabled false true or false title html tag title my field title custom custom html attribute customattr="customvalue" class css class for the html tag big errorclass css class when there is an error error items avalaible choice for checkbox array('1' => 'Item 1', '2' => 'Item 2') or a repository result ($this->myrepo->findAll()) ============ =================================== ====================== =================================================== .. _elements-email: Email ----- .. figure:: ../Images/email.png You can add a input email like this. Work only with html5 browser. :: $form->add('my-email', 'email', $configuration); Available configuration ============ =================================== ====================== =================================================== Property Description Default value Example ============ =================================== ====================== =================================================== placeholder place holder for the html tag my firstname style css style for the html tag width: 150px; disabled true if the html field is disabled false true or false title html tag title my field title custom custom html attribute customattr="customvalue" class css class for the html tag big errorclass css class when there is an error error ============ =================================== ====================== =================================================== .. _elements-hidden: hidden ------ You can add a input hidden like this. :: $form->add('my-hidden-field', 'hidden', $configuration); Available configuration ============ =================================== ====================== =================================================== Property Description Default value Example ============ =================================== ====================== =================================================== placeholder place holder for the html tag my firstname style css style for the html tag width: 150px; disabled true if the html field is disabled false true or false title html tag title my field title custom custom html attribute customattr="customvalue" class css class for the html tag big errorclass css class when there is an error error ============ =================================== ====================== =================================================== .. _elements-number: Number ------ .. figure:: ../Images/number.png You can add a input hidden like this. Work only with html5 browser. :: $form->add('my-number-field', 'number', $configuration); Available configuration ============ =================================== ====================== =================================================== Property Description Default value Example ============ =================================== ====================== =================================================== placeholder place holder for the html tag my firstname style css style for the html tag width: 150px; disabled true if the html field is disabled false true or false title html tag title my field title custom custom html attribute customattr="customvalue" class css class for the html tag big errorclass css class when there is an error error min minimum number 10 max maximum number 100 step increment step between each number 1 10 ============ =================================== ====================== =================================================== .. _elements-password: Password -------- .. figure:: ../Images/password.png You can add a input password like this. :: $form->add('my-password', 'password', $configuration); Available configuration ============ =================================== ====================== =================================================== Property Description Default value Example ============ =================================== ====================== =================================================== placeholder place holder for the html tag my firstname style css style for the html tag width: 150px; disabled true if the html field is disabled false true or false title html tag title my field title custom custom html attribute customattr="customvalue" class css class for the html tag big errorclass css class when there is an error error encrypt if true, password is encrypt false true fill_value if true, add current value in html false true ============ =================================== ====================== =================================================== .. _elements-radio: Radio button ------------ .. figure:: ../Images/radio.png You can add a checkbox like this :: $form->add('my-radiobutton', 'radio', $configuration); Available configuration ============ =================================== ====================== =================================================== Property Description Default value Example ============ =================================== ====================== =================================================== style css style for the html tag width: 150px; disabled true if the html field is disabled false true or false title html tag title my field title custom custom html attribute customattr="customvalue" class css class for the html tag big errorclass css class when there is an error error items avalaible choice for checkbox array('1' => 'Item 1', '2' => 'Item 2'); ============ =================================== ====================== =================================================== .. _elements-range: Range ----- .. figure:: ../Images/range.png You can add a input hidden like this. Work only with html5 browser. :: $form->add('my-range-field', 'range', $configuration); Available configuration ============ =================================== ====================== =================================================== Property Description Default value Example ============ =================================== ====================== =================================================== placeholder place holder for the html tag my firstname style css style for the html tag width: 150px; disabled true if the html field is disabled false true or false title html tag title my field title custom custom html attribute customattr="customvalue" class css class for the html tag big errorclass css class when there is an error error min minimum number 10 max maximum number 100 step increment step between each number 1 10 ============ =================================== ====================== =================================================== .. _elements-rating: Radio button ------------ .. figure:: ../Images/rating.png You can add a rating element like this :: $form->add('my-rating', 'rating', $configuration); Available configuration ============ =================================== ====================== =================================================== Property Description Default value Example ============ =================================== ====================== =================================================== style css style for the html tag width: 150px; disabled true if the html field is disabled false true or false title html tag title my field title custom custom html attribute customattr="customvalue" class css class for the html tag big errorclass css class when there is an error error min score min 1 10 max score max 5 50 step step between score 1 2 label label of item ★ ============ =================================== ====================== =================================================== .. _elements-recaptcha: ReCaptcha --------- .. figure:: ../Images/recaptcha.png You can add a recaptcha like this :: $form->add('my-recaptcha', 'recaptcha', $configuration); Available configuration ================ ============================================================================================================================================================================================================= ====================== =================================================== Property Description Default value Example ================ ============================================================================================================================================================================================================= ====================== =================================================== publicKey Your api public key (required) privateKey Your api private key (required) onload The name of your callback function to be executed once all the dependencies have loaded. (optional) render Whether to render the widget explicitly. Defaults to onload, which will render the widget in the first g-recaptcha tag it finds. (optional) language Forces the widget to render in a specific language. Auto-detects the user's language if unspecified. (optional) Language codes: https://developers.google.com/recaptcha/docs/language en-GB theme The color theme of the widget (optional) light dark or light type The type of CAPTCHA to serve (optional) image audio or image size The size of the widget (optional) normal compact or normal tabindex The tabindex of the widget and challenge (optional) callback The name of your callback function to be executed when the user submits a successful CAPTCHA response. The user's response, g-recaptcha-response, will be the input for your callback function. (optional) expired-callback The name of your callback function to be executed when the recaptcha response expires and the user needs to solve a new CAPTCHA. (optional) errormessage Message if the captcha is not valid Captcha is not valid Captcha is not valid ================ ============================================================================================================================================================================================================= ====================== =================================================== .. _elements-submit: Submit ------ .. figure:: ../Images/submit.png You can add a submit button like this :: $form->add('my-button', 'submit', $configuration); Available configuration ============ =================================== ====================== =================================================== Property Description Default value Example ============ =================================== ====================== =================================================== style css style for the html tag width: 150px; disabled true if the html field is disabled false true or false title html tag title my field title custom custom html attribute customattr="customvalue" class css class for the html tag big errorclass css class when there is an error error label label of the button click me! ============ =================================== ====================== =================================================== .. _elements-tel: Tel --- An input telephone field .. figure:: ../Images/tel.png You can add a input tel like this :: $form->add('my-tel', 'tel', $configuration); Available configuration ============ =================================== ====================== ============================================================================================================= Property Description Default value Example ============ =================================== ====================== ============================================================================================================= placeholder place holder for the html tag Your telephone style css style for the html tag width: 150px; disabled true if the html field is disabled false true or false title html tag title my field title datalist datalist for autocomplete array('key-1' => 'value 1', 'key-2' => 'value 2') custom custom html attribute customattr="customvalue" class css class for the html tag big errorclass css class when there is an error error pattern regex for field control ^((\+\d{1,3}(-| )?\(?\d\)?(-| )?\d{1,5})|(\(?\d{2,6}\)?))(-| )?(\d{3,4})(-| )?(\d{4})(( x| ext)\d{1,5}){0,1}$ ============ =================================== ====================== ============================================================================================================= .. _elements-text: Text ---- An input text field .. figure:: ../Images/text.png You can add a input text like this :: $form->add('my-text', 'text', $configuration); Available configuration ============ =================================== ====================== =================================================== Property Description Default value Example ============ =================================== ====================== =================================================== placeholder place holder for the html tag my firstname style css style for the html tag width: 150px; disabled true if the html field is disabled false true or false title html tag title my field title datalist datalist for autocomplete array('key-1' => 'value 1', 'key-2' => 'value 2') custom custom html attribute customattr="customvalue" class css class for the html tag big errorclass css class when there is an error error ============ =================================== ====================== =================================================== .. _elements-textarea: Textarea -------- .. figure:: ../Images/textarea.png You can add a textarea like this :: $form->add('my-textarea', 'textarea', $configuration); Available configuration ============ =================================== ====================== =================================================== Property Description Default value Example ============ =================================== ====================== =================================================== placeholder place holder for the html tag my firstname style css style for the html tag width: 150px; title html tag title my field title custom custom html attribute customattr="customvalue" class css class for the html tag big errorclass css class when there is an error error ============ =================================== ====================== =================================================== .. _elements-upload: Upload ------ .. figure:: ../Images/upload.png You can add a textarea like this :: $form->add('my-file', 'update', $configuration); Available configuration ============ ===================================== ====================== =================================================== Property Description Default value Example ============ ===================================== ====================== =================================================== placeholder place holder for the html tag my firstname style css style for the html tag width: 150px; title html tag title my field title custom custom html attribute customattr="customvalue" class css class for the html tag big errorclass css class when there is an error error directory target upload directory fileadmin/user_upload/my_ext/ filename target upload file name my-file.pdf canoverwrite if true, overwrite existing file true or false show_link if true, display an link to the file true or false ============ ===================================== ====================== =================================================== .. _elements-url: Url --- An input url field .. figure:: ../Images/url.png You can add a input url like this :: $form->add('my-url', 'url', $configuration); Available configuration ============ =================================== ====================== =================================================== Property Description Default value Example ============ =================================== ====================== =================================================== placeholder place holder for the html tag Your website style css style for the html tag width: 150px; disabled true if the html field is disabled false true or false title html tag title my field title datalist datalist for autocomplete array('key-1' => 'value 1', 'key-2' => 'value 2') custom custom html attribute customattr="customvalue" class css class for the html tag big errorclass css class when there is an error error ============ =================================== ====================== =================================================== .. _elements-custom Custom ------ You can also create your own form element. :: $form->add('my-custom', 'Vendor\\Extension\\FormElements\\MyElement', $configuration) Your php class must implement : :: Ameos\AmeosForm\Elements\ElementInterface