This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.


Table of content:


Set field mandatory. You can add this contraint like this.

$form->addConstraint('my_field', 'required', 'My field is required');


If set, the field must be filled with valid email. You can add this contraint like this.

$form->addConstraint('my_field', 'email', 'My field must be an email');


If set, the field must be filled with the same value as a other field. For password or email confirmation for example. You can add this contraint like this.

$form->addConstraint('my_field_confirmation', 'sameas', 'Confirmation is not valid', array('sameas' => 'my_field'));


If set, the field must be filled with an unique value. You can add this contraint like this.

$form->addConstraint('username', 'unique', 'Username must be unique', array('repository' => $this->frontenduserRepository));


Custom contraint. You can add this contraint like this.

$form->addConstraint('username', 'custom', 'Custom validation not valid', array('method' => function($value, $form) {
        // your code here. return true if result is valid. Else, false


For upload element. Check the upload file max size. You can add this contraint like this.

$form->addConstraint('file', 'filesize', 'File too big', array('maxsize' => '2M'));


For upload element. Check the upload file max size. You can add this contraint like this.

$form->addConstraint('file', 'fileextention', 'Your file must be a picture', array('allowed' => 'jpg,gif,png'));