# Anexia Monitoring A TYPO3 extension used to monitor updates for TYPO3 and all installed extensions. It can be also used to check if the website is alive and working correctly. ## Installation and configuration Install the extension by copying the extension code in the ``typo3conf/ext/anexia_monitoring`` folder, or by using the Extension Manager. ## Usage The extensions registers REST endpoints which can be used for monitoring. Make sure that the **accessToken** is configured within the configuration form of the extension. The endpoints will return a 401 HTTP status code if the token is not defined or invalid. ### Version monitoring of core and extensions **URL:** http://your.tld/?eID=anxapi/v1/modules&access_token=YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN **Response headers:** ``` Status Code: 200 OK Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true Allow: GET, OPTIONS Content-Type: application/json ``` **Response body:** ```json { "runtime":{ "platform":"php", "platform_version":"5.6.30", "framework":"typo3", "framework_version":"6.2.31", "framework_newest_version":"8.7.1" }, "modules":[ { "name":"sitemap_generator", "installed_version":"1.0.0", "newest_version":"1.1.0" }, { "name":"extension_builder", "installed_version":"6.2.15", "newest_version":"6.2.15" }, { "name":"realurl", "installed_version":"1.12.8", "newest_version":"2.2.1" }, { "name":"anexia_monitoring", "installed_version":"1.0.0", "newest_version":"1.0.0" }, { "name":"themes_distribution", "installed_version":"0.1.3", "newest_version":"0.1.3" } ] } ``` ### Live monitoring This endpoint can be used to verify if the application is alive and working correctly. It checks if the database connection is working and makes a query for users. It allows to register custom check by using hooks. **URL:** http://your.tld/?eID=anxapi/v1/up&access_token=YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN **Response headers:** ``` Status Code: 200 OK Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true Allow: GET, OPTIONS Content-Type: text/pain ``` **Response body:** ``` OK ``` **Custom live monitoring hooks:** Additional checks can be defined by registering hook functions as follows. Return ``false`` if a check failed. ```php $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SC_OPTIONS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_tcemain.php']['anexia_monitoring-UpCheck'][] = 'EXT:your_extension/Resources/Private/Hooks/yourHook.php:yourHookFunction'; ``` ## List of developers * Andreas Stocker , Lead developer ## Project related external resources * [TYPO3 documentation](https://docs.typo3.org)