This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.


Custom View Templates

You might want to change the HTML Code that renders the iFrame.

To do so, copy the Resources/Private/Templates/DocCheckAuthentication/ folder to, for example, your fileadmin/templates/-Folder and set the following in your TYPO3 Setup.

# tell ap_docchecklogin to use the templates stored in fileadmin/templates/DocCheckAuthentication
plugin.tx_apdocchecklogin.view.templateRootPath = fileadmin/templates/


Configuration options in the extension manager

Basic Configuration

Property: Data type: Description:
basic.dcParam string

Expected value for the “dc” GET-parameter

The Extension will check $_GET['dc'] for this value after a successful DocCheck Login. Set it to an arbitrary string that can be used as a url parameter. This option does no apply when the routing feature is enabled.

basic.dummyUser string

User name of the dummy user.

This user will be logged in with your TYPO3 website, whenever a DocCheck User logs in successfully. The dummy user must be stored in PID as determined in basic.dummyUserPid. This option does no apply when the unique key feature is enabled.

basic.dummyUserPid string

Dummy User’s PID

The extension will look for the dummy user or the configured user groups (when using the unique key feature) on the page (or storage folder) with this id.

basic.useFeLoginRedirect boolean (def.: false)

Use Felogin’s Redirect-Feature

When set to 1, you can determine a redirect-after-login-target in the dummy user’s properties. If set, the user will be redirected to that target after login. Requires felogin, I think.

The Login target page in DocCheck Cream has to be configured to a page which includes the DocCheck Login-Plugin for the redirect action to take place.

UniqueKey Configuration

Property: Data type: Description:
uniquekey.uniqueKeyEnable boolean (def.: false)

Enable the DocCheck UniqueKey feature.

This requires you to set the according DocCheck Special in your CReaM Configuration. When enabled, the extension will generate one unique frontend user for each unique DocCheck Key.

uniquekey.uniqueKeyGroup integer

FE-Group for Unique Users

The generated unique users will be added to the ID with this group. This group must be found in the page which you configured in basic.dummyUserPid

uniquekey.dcPersonalEnable boolean (def.: false)

Enable DocCheck Personal Feature

When you enable DocCheck Personal Special in your DocCheck CreaM configuration and have this flag enabled, the extension will add some user specific data to the generated fe_user record – if the user agrees, of course.

Routing Configuration

Property: Data type: Description:
routing.routingEnable boolean (def.: false)

Enable the DocCheck Routing feature.

This requires you to set some routes in your DocCheck CReaM Configuration. Each target must look exactly as described in Step 4: Configure your DocCheck Login:

But: You set a different dcParam for each route. Each dcParam will be routed to one frontend user group.

This requires the unique key feature.

routing.routingMap string

The Routing Map

This map resolves each dc-Param to one frontend user group.





Now, when a user is routed to the URL with ?dc=1337, a frontend user will be created and added to the group #2. You get the drill.

Settings Configuration

Property: Data type: Description:
settings.loginOverrideId string

Override Login ID.

This numeric parameter overrides the used Doccheck Login ID. Especially useful for working in multiple environments.


[globalString = IENV:HTTP_HOST =]
        plugin.tx_apdocchecklogin.settings.loginOverrideId = 1111111111

Crawler Configuration

Property: Data type: Description:
crawling.crawlingEnable boolean (def.: false)

Enable the DocCheck Crawler feature.

Enable the possibility to bypass the DocCheck Login for the DocCheck crawler. This requires you to set the correct DocCheck Crawler IP and an existing Website User in Typo3.

crawling.crawlingUser string

The User that has access to protected urls.

Defaults to basic.dummyUser

crawling.crawlingIp string The IP address that has access to protected urls.