.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. include:: ../Includes.txt .. _configuration: Configuration ============= Custom View Templates --------------------- You might want to change the HTML Code that renders the iFrame. To do so, copy the ``Resources/Private/Templates/DocCheckAuthentication/`` folder to, for example, your ``fileadmin/templates/``-Folder and set the following in your TYPO3 Setup. :: # tell ap_docchecklogin to use the templates stored in fileadmin/templates/DocCheckAuthentication plugin.tx_apdocchecklogin.view.templateRootPath = fileadmin/templates/ References ---------- Configuration options in the extension manager .. only:: html .. contents:: :local: :depth: 1 .. _basicconfig: Basic Configuration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. t3-field-list-table:: :header-rows: 1 - :Property,30: Property: :Data type,10: Data type: :Description,60: Description: - :Property: basic.dcParam :Data type: string :Description: **Expected value for the "dc" GET-parameter** The Extension will check :php:`$_GET['dc']` for this value after a successful DocCheck Login. Set it to an arbitrary string that can be used as a url parameter. *This option does no apply when the* :ref:`routing ` *feature is enabled.* - :Property: basic.dummyUser :Data type: string :Description: **User name of the dummy user.** This user will be logged in with your TYPO3 website, whenever a DocCheck User logs in successfully. The dummy user must be stored in PID as determined in :ts:`basic.dummyUserPid`. *This option does no apply when the* :ref:`unique key ` *feature is enabled.* - :Property: basic.dummyUserPid :Data type: string :Description: **Dummy User's PID** The extension will look for the dummy user or the configured user groups (when using the unique key feature) on the page (or storage folder) with this id. - :Property: basic.useFeLoginRedirect :Data type: boolean *(def.: false)* :Description: **Use Felogin's Redirect-Feature** When set to 1, you can determine a redirect-after-login-target in the dummy user's properties. If set, the user will be redirected to that target after login. Requires felogin, I think. The Login target page in DocCheck Cream has to be configured to a page which includes the DocCheck Login-Plugin for the redirect action to take place. .. _uniquekeyconf: UniqueKey Configuration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. t3-field-list-table:: :header-rows: 1 - :Property,30: Property: :Data type,10: Data type: :Description,60: Description: - :Property: uniquekey.uniqueKeyEnable :Data type: boolean *(def.: false)* :Description: **Enable the DocCheck UniqueKey feature.** This requires you to set the according DocCheck Special in your CReaM Configuration. When enabled, the extension will generate one unique frontend user for each unique DocCheck Key. - :Property: uniquekey.uniqueKeyGroup :Data type: integer :Description: **FE-Group for Unique Users** The generated unique users will be added to the ID with this group. This group must be found in the page which you configured in :ts:`basic.dummyUserPid` - :Property: uniquekey.dcPersonalEnable :Data type: boolean *(def.: false)* :Description: **Enable DocCheck Personal Feature** When you enable DocCheck Personal Special in your DocCheck CreaM configuration and have this flag enabled, the extension will add some user specific data to the generated fe_user record – if the user agrees, of course. .. _routingconf: Routing Configuration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. t3-field-list-table:: :header-rows: 1 - :Property,30: Property: :Data type,10: Data type: :Description,60: Description: - :Property: routing.routingEnable :Data type: boolean *(def.: false)* :Description: **Enable the DocCheck Routing feature.** This requires you to set some routes in your DocCheck CReaM Configuration. Each target must look exactly as described in :ref:`admin-step4`: ``http://your-typo3-site.example.org/login/?logintype=login&dc=19865c8sak`` **But: You set a different dcParam for each route.** Each dcParam will be routed to one frontend user group. **This requires the** :ref:`unique key ` **feature.** - :Property: routing.routingMap :Data type: string :Description: **The Routing Map** This map resolves each dc-Param to one frontend user group. **Format:** ``=,=...`` **Example:** ``2=1337,3=akDJKw82,5=dk8Dkkv`` Now, when a user is routed to the URL with ?dc=1337, a frontend user will be created and added to the group #2. You get the drill. .. _settingsconf: Settings Configuration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. t3-field-list-table:: :header-rows: 1 - :Property,30: Property: :Data type,10: Data type: :Description,60: Description: - :Property: settings.loginOverrideId :Data type: string :Description: **Override Login ID.** This numeric parameter overrides the used Doccheck Login ID. Especially useful for working in multiple environments. **Example:** :: [globalString = IENV:HTTP_HOST = stage.domain.com] plugin.tx_apdocchecklogin.settings.loginOverrideId = 1111111111 [global] .. _crawlerconf: Crawler Configuration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. t3-field-list-table:: :header-rows: 1 - :Property,30: Property: :Data type,10: Data type: :Description,60: Description: - :Property: crawling.crawlingEnable :Data type: boolean *(def.: false)* :Description: **Enable the DocCheck Crawler feature.** Enable the possibility to bypass the DocCheck Login for the DocCheck crawler. This requires you to set the correct DocCheck Crawler IP and an existing Website User in Typo3. - :Property: crawling.crawlingUser :Data type: string :Description: **The User that has access to protected urls.** Defaults to basic.dummyUser - :Property: crawling.crawlingIp :Data type: string :Description: **The IP address that has access to protected urls.**