This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.


This extension is installable from various sources:

1. Via Composer

composer require pagemachine/ats

2. From the TYPO3 Extension Repository



Ensure your installation is ready for the ATS with the following steps:

  1. The extension needs a Frontend User login and registration setup so users can apply for a job.

    This task can be done in different ways. We recommend using felogin or Hairu for the login form and Femanager for registration.

  2. Create a storage folder and a jobs page in your pagetree, along with necessary login/registration pages

  3. Create a Frontend Usergroup for applicants inside the storage folder

  4. Create a page for your privacy policy text, if necessary

You should now have a page setup similar to this:

Example pagetree
  1. Create backend usergroups for personell and organizational departments. Assign a location to them (either Headquarters or Branch office):
Assigning a location to backend usergroups
  1. Add these groups to the corresponding department Backend Users.

Extension Setup

  1. Include the static ATS template into your site root

2. Add the necessary constants (this example matches the pagetree shown above):

plugin.tx_ats {
  persistence {
    storagePid = 2
  settings {
    policyPage = 6
    loginPage = 3
    feUserGroup = 1

A full list of available constants can be found on the Configuration page.

  1. Add the ATS Jobs plugin to the jobs page
  2. Create jobs inside the storage folder.

That’s it, now the basics are set up and applicants can register for your jobs.