.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. include:: ../Includes.txt .. _upgrade-guide: Upgrade Guide ============= If there's no upgrade guide, there' s no need to change anything. This guide does not covering extending via PHP (aka XCLASS or Hooks) – you need to check changes for yourself. 3.2 to 3.3 ^^^^^^^^^^ What you need to know: - Now compatible with PHP 7.2 - Improved TS generation in backend context - it's now possible to use TS templates on sub pages - No more usage of :code:`module.tx_beautyofcode < plugin.tx_beautyofcode` - Update Prism to 1.11.0 - Bugfix for TYPO3 >= 8.5 3.1 to 3.2 ^^^^^^^^^^ What you need to know: - Now compatible with TYPO3 8.7 - Show default header in BE preview - Use FormEngine NodeFactory API instead if XCLASS - Update Prism to 1.6.0 3.0 to 3.1 ^^^^^^^^^^ What you need to know: - Now compatible with TYPO3 8.4 (please make sure to use root template for adding static TS when using 8.x) - Bugfix for t3editor EM configuration (thanks to Thomas Kieslich!) - Bugfix for new content element wizard configuration - Code is now PSR-2 standard compliant 2.x to 3.0 ^^^^^^^^^^ In order to make this extension work best possible in TYPO3 7.x and to make maintaining more easier (especially the t3editor implementation) this version introduces usage of the default `tt_content` `bodytext` field. What you need to know: - Removed TYPO3 6.x support - There is an update wizard available through Extension Manager to migrate your existing records - Almost no visible changes in backend user interface - Make sure to adopt your TypoScript (assigning your settings to `module.` for backend context) - Updated PrimJs vendor to version 1.3.0 - Add some new PrimsJs languages (Actionscript, Applescript, Diff, Erlang, Git, Sass, Scala, Twig, Less, MarkDown, Powershell, Yaml) - Use core icon for plugin and wizard - Added a composer.json and a bower.json file - Improved code style 1.0 to 2.0 ^^^^^^^^^^ Rewritten for Extbase/Fluid. What you need to know: - Execute update script within extension manager to update adjusted plugin names in database - You'll need to change your TypoScript code - SyntaxHighlighter v2 + beautyofcode (jQuery) abstraction layer was removed - include the correct static template - removed TypoScript constants / setup paths: - jquery.scriptUrl (adapt template if you need to adjust) - jQueryNoConflict (inline JS is wrapped in module pattern style code) - config.strings ( vhs in templates) - addjQuery (please make sure to include jQuery by yourself if you want to use the `includeAsDomReady` / `onReadyCallback` configuration settings - selector Please see the changelog for all changes in detail. 0.6 to 0.7 ^^^^^^^^^^ Big update: finally its possible to use this extension without jQuery. Massive remanufacturing and code changes. Please consider this release as a beta version as I did test every feature the best I can but not sure if everything will work out on every TYPO3 installation. What you need to know: - You'll need to change your TypoScript code - paths for base, scripts and styles - addjQuery and selector have been moved to the jquery. Array - some variables have been slightly renamed - Extension Manager settings has been removed, use TS configuration instead - SyntaxHighlighter v3 changed some features (learn more: “Which version to choose”) Please see the changelog for all changes in detail. 0.5 to 0.6 ^^^^^^^^^^ This version introduces HTML templating. That's why some TS options are not longer available or renamed: - `plugin.tx_beautyofcode_pi1.label.wrap` is removed as it's now configured via template - `plugin.tx_beautyofcode_pi1.label.show` is renamed to showLabel - `plugin.tx_beautyofcode_pi1.wrap` is removed as it's now configured via template