This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

Configuration Reference

  • include Static Template “Video URL Replace (brt_videourlreplace)” into your Root Template

  • it is recommended to use your own Youtube API Key, it’s free, get it here:

    plugin.brt_videourl_replace.googleApiKey = your_youtube_api_key

    it cannot be guaranteed that the provided default key will always work, so you should really use your own!

  • the default list of stopwords is: /about,/intl/,/feed/,/channel/ you are able to change this via contants editor or by adding this to your contants:

    plugin.brt_videourl_replace.stopWords = /about,/intl/,/feed/,/channel/,/my-exclusion-example/

  • you can disable the use of thumbnails via contants editor or by adding this to your contants:

    plugin.brt_videourl_replace.thumbnail.disable = 1

    (when thumbnails are disabled, URLs get replaced directly by iframes, no additional CSS or jQuery is used - in this case the static template inclusion in your root template will have no effect)

  • define global “default” Parameters for the YouTube Player:

    plugin.brt_videourl_replace.globalYoutubeParams = showinfo=0&rel=0&controls=0&iv_load_policy=3


    If the URL of the YouTube Video contains parameters, the global parameters will be ignored and the parameters from the video URL will be used instead.

  • you can make API Calls to Vimeo (serverside) non-SSL by setting:

    plugin.brt_videourl_replace.disableSSL = 1

  • the plugin uses by default. you can change this behaviour via constants editor or:

    plugin.brt_videourl_replace.youtubeNoCookie = 0

TypoScript Reference

  • Constants:

    plugin.brt_videourl_replace.googleApiKey = <default key is unrestriced but should not be used>

    plugin.brt_videourl_replace.thumbnail.disable = 0

    plugin.brt_videourl_replace.stopWords = /about,/intl/,/feed/,/channel/,/my-exclusion-example/

    plugin.brt_videourl_replace.globalYoutubeParams = showinfo=0&rel=0&controls=0&iv_load_policy=3

    plugin.brt_videourl_replace.disableSSL = 0

    plugin.brt_videourl_replace.youtubeNoCookie = 1

  • Setup:

    If you want to use your own JavaScript / CSS, add this to your page object:

    includeCSS.videoUrlReplace = path/to/your.css

    includeJSFooterlibs.videoUrlReplace = path/to/your.js