.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. include:: ../../Includes.txt .. _changelog: ChangeLog ========= ======= ========================================================================================================================= Version Changes ======= ========================================================================================================================= 1.2.7 - [FEATURE] use www.youtube-nocookie.com by default 1.2.6 - [FEATURE] Youtube Player parameters (global, per video) 1.2.5 - [FEATURE] add list of stopwords configurable via typoscript constants 1.2.4 - [FEATURE] prefer curl for fetching meta data if available 1.2.3 - [FEATURE] add constant for Youtube API Key 1.2.2 - [TASK] TYPO3 CMS V9.0 compatibility, move addStaticFile to TCA Override 1.2.1 - [TASK] TYPO3 CMS V8.0 compatibility, more robust YT-thumbnail-URLs fetched from API 1.2.0 - [TASK] changed classnames to somthing less common: .youtube -> .vurpl-youtube, .vimeo -> vurpl-vimeo, .dailymotion -> .vurpl-dailymotion 1.1.0 - [TASK] enhance channel/user detection using API for vimeo and dailymotion 1.0.9 - [BUGFIX] adopt regular expressions to ignore channels etc. 1.0.8 - [BUGFIX] TYPO3 V7.5 compatibility issue 1.0.7 - [FEATURE] via constants configurable option to disable thumbnails to just use plain responsive iframes 1.0.6 - [TASK] switch to youtube API v3 (used to fetch video title used in alt tag) 1.0.5 - [BUGFIX] add "-_" to the regex to support video ids containing slashes and underscores 1.0.4 - [BUGFIX] set the backgroundsize to cover instead of 100% to avoid 1px gap in some cases 1.0.3 - adjust dailymotion breakpoint for thumbnails 1.0.2 - remove empty dependencies 1.0.1 - Add "Alt-tag" to print version image 1.0.0 - initial release