.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. include:: ../Includes.txt .. _configuration: Configuration Reference ======================= - include Static Template "Video URL Replace (brt_videourlreplace)" into your Root Template - it is recommended to use your own Youtube API Key, it's free, get it here: https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/getting-started plugin.brt_videourl_replace.googleApiKey = your_youtube_api_key **it cannot be guaranteed that the provided default key will always work, so you should really use your own!** - the default list of stopwords is: */about,/intl/,/feed/,/channel/* you are able to change this via contants editor or by adding this to your contants: plugin.brt_videourl_replace.stopWords = /about,/intl/,/feed/,/channel/,/my-exclusion-example/ - you can disable the use of thumbnails via contants editor or by adding this to your contants: plugin.brt_videourl_replace.thumbnail.disable = 1 (when thumbnails are disabled, URLs get replaced directly by iframes, no additional CSS or jQuery is used - in this case the static template inclusion in your root template will have no effect) - define global "default" Parameters for the YouTube Player: plugin.brt_videourl_replace.globalYoutubeParams = showinfo=0&rel=0&controls=0&iv_load_policy=3 See: https://developers.google.com/youtube/player_parameters **If the URL of the YouTube Video contains parameters, the global parameters will be ignored and the parameters from the video URL will be used instead.** - you can make API Calls to Vimeo (serverside) non-SSL by setting: plugin.brt_videourl_replace.disableSSL = 1 - the plugin uses www.youtube-nocookie.com by default. you can change this behaviour via constants editor or: plugin.brt_videourl_replace.youtubeNoCookie = 0 .. _configuration-typoscript: TypoScript Reference -------------------- - Constants: plugin.brt_videourl_replace.googleApiKey = plugin.brt_videourl_replace.thumbnail.disable = 0 plugin.brt_videourl_replace.stopWords = /about,/intl/,/feed/,/channel/,/my-exclusion-example/ plugin.brt_videourl_replace.globalYoutubeParams = showinfo=0&rel=0&controls=0&iv_load_policy=3 plugin.brt_videourl_replace.disableSSL = 0 plugin.brt_videourl_replace.youtubeNoCookie = 1 - Setup: If you want to use your own JavaScript / CSS, add this to your page object: includeCSS.videoUrlReplace = path/to/your.css includeJSFooterlibs.videoUrlReplace = path/to/your.js