.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. include:: ../../Includes.txt .. _node: https://nodejs.org/en/download/ .. _bower: http://bower.io/#install-bower .. _grunt: http://gruntjs.com/getting-started npm, bower and grunt ==================== Install `node`_, `bower`_ and `grunt`_ to use the build features. Initialisation -------------- Open a command line tool and change to the directory *fileadmin/bsdist/* of your new TYPO3 instance. 1. Install the node packages. .. code:: bash npm update 2. Use bower to install the main components. .. code:: bash bower update *Font Awesome will not be installed in the default configuration! See file bower.json.* .. figure:: ../Images/bower.png :align: left After sucessfully installing the node packages and bower components there are two new folders in fileadmin/bsdist. .. figure:: ../Images/fileadmin-bsdist-after-bower.png :align: left 3. The grunt task *init* copies files from *bower_components/* to *lib/* and executes all tasks (full). .. code:: bash grunt init .. figure:: ../Images/grunt-init.png :align: left Update merged and minified CSS and Javascript --------------------------------------------- When CSS and JavaScript files were added or modified you may use the *default* grunt task to merge and minify the resources. .. code:: bash grunt .. figure:: ../Images/grunt.png :align: left Or use tools in your IDE... .. figure:: ../Images/phpstorm-grunt.png :align: left The files in *lib/* - i.e. bootstrap scss - are not processed with the *default* task. Only the task group named *full* sassifies and concats the resources in lib/. .. code:: bash grunt full