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EXT: Cache cleaner

Author:Kasper Skårhøj
Keywords:forAdmins, forIntermediates
Author:François Suter
Info 4:

img-1 img-2 EXT: Cache cleaner - cachecleaner

EXT: Cache cleaner

Extension Key: cachecleaner

Language: en

Keywords: forAdmins, forIntermediates

Copyright 2009-2013, François Suter, <>

This document is published under the Open Content License

available from

The content of this document is related to TYPO3

- a GNU/GPL CMS/Framework available from

Table of Contents

EXT: Cache cleaner 1

`Introduction 3 <#__RefHeading__494_1805741445>`_

What does it do? 3

Credits 3

Questions? 3

`Installation 4 <#__RefHeading__502_1805741445>`_

Extension configuration 4

Compatibility 4

`Administration 5 <#__RefHeading__508_1805741445>`_

Running the cache cleaner 5

Configuring the cache cleaner 5

Post-flight check 6

`Known problems 7 <#__RefHeading__516_1805741445>`_

`To-Do list 8 <#__RefHeading__518_1805741445>`_


What does it do?

This extension provides a new submodule for the lowlevel cleaner tool, designed to delete obsolete records from the various TYPO3 cache tables. It can also be used to delete records from any table based on a certain age limit.

Since TYPO3 CMS 4.6, a similar feature is included in the Core as a Scheduler task (see "Compatibility" in the "Installation" chapter). As such this extension is no longer actively developed.


The development of this extension was sponsored by Manpower SA (Switzerland).


If you have any questions about this extension, please ask them in the TYPO3 English mailing list (typo3.english), so that others can benefit from the answers.


Once the extension is downloaded and installed, the new tool is available for use with the lowlevel_cleaner CLI script, but it must still be properly configured (see “Administration” below).

Extension configuration

There's a single configuration option available.

debug : check this box to have the cache cleaner log its actions into the Developer's Log. This may be convenient for checking what the cache cleaner when it is not being run manually. Note that to actually log anything you will need a dev-logging extension, such as “devlog”.


The functionality of this extension is provided by the TYPO3 CMS Core itself since version 4.6, by the "Table garbage collection" task of the Scheduler.

The configuration of the Scheduler task uses a similar syntax. Only the "location" is different. Instead of:





Running the cache cleaner

Running lowlevel scripts

If you have never run the lowlevel_cleaner scripts before, you should first take a look at some of the documentation available on this topic:

Cache cleaner options

The cache cleaner script provides the following command-line options:





Runs the OPTIMIZE command on all tables after having cleaned them up.

Note: this will work only with MySQL. Don't use this option if you're running TYPO3 with a different database system.

--tables table_names


--tables table_names


Restricts the clean up to only the given tables (comma-separated list) instead of all the configured tables (see “Configuring the cache cleaner” below).

If a table is given that is not configured, it will be ignored.


Here's an example of command-line call to the cache cleaner:

/usr/local/bin/php /var/www/mysite/typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh lowlevel_cleaner tx_cachecleaner_cache -r --AUTOFIX -i --optimize --tables cache_hash

The paths to the PHP executable and the cli dispatch script have to be adapted of course.

The “-r” option indicates that the script should actually be run and the “--AUTOFIX” option indicates that the clean up should be applied. The “-i” option makes the process interactive, which means that the user will be queried for confirmation for every table.

The “--optimize” option will ensure that the MySQL-specific OPTIMIZE command will be run on each table after the clean up.

Lastly the “--tables” option restricts the actual run to cleaning up only the cache\_hash table.

Configuring the cache cleaner

Before running this tool, it is necessary to configure it. The cache cleaner provides an example configuration in the configuration\_sample.php file. It is reproduced here:

$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['cachecleaner'] = array(
        'tables' => array(
               'cache_pages' => array(
                  'expireField' => 'expires'
          'cache_hash' => array(
                   'dateField' => 'tstamp',
                 'expirePeriod' => '7d'
          'sys_log' => array(
                        'dateField' => 'tstamp',
                        'expirePeriod' => '1m'

The configuration is a list of all tables that should be cleaned up. For each table, you have to define whether it has an expiry field (i.e. a field containing an already calculated expiration date) or if the cleaner has to rely on a simple date field, with an age limit.







Name of the field that contains an expiry date. This will often be “expire” or “expires”.







When a table has no explicit expiry field, one can define a datetime field to be used instead. This will be used in combination with the expirePeriod property described below.







Used to define a period after which a record should be considered obsolete and thus deleted. This can be a simple number, in which case it is considered to be a number of days. It can also be a number followed by one of the following: “h” for “hour”, “d” for “day”, “w” for “week” or “m” for “month”.


  • 5 => 5 days
  • 3h => 3 hours
  • 6d => 6 days
  • 2w => 2 weeks
  • 6m => 6 months

Any record whose “dateField” is older than this period of time will be deleted.

Going back to the sample configuration shown above, it means that the cache\_pages table will be cleaned up according to the existing “expires” field. The cache\_hash table, on the contrary, has no such field. Instead age calculations will be based on the “tstamp” field and any record older than 7 days will be deleted. The same for the sys\_log table, but for a period of 1 month.

The configuration can be written in the localconf.php file or in some extension's ext\_localconf.php . The configuration cache must be cleared after any change, as usual.

If no tables are configured, the script will output a message to that effect.

What tables to clean up?

As its name implies, this extension is mostly targeted at clearing up old entries in TYPO3's various cache tables (or those of other extensions, like RealURL). However there are also quite a few other tables where data accumulates without limit. It is a good practice to remove old entries at regular intervals from such tables too. Good candidates are sys\_log and sys\_history , or any such kind of logging tables.

Post-flight check

Just like the other lowlevel_cleaner tools, this script is meant to be run at some fixed time via a cron job, ideally when traffic on the web site is low. This will most likely happen when nobody is watching. There are several possibilities for checking what happened at a later point:

  • write the command-line ouput of the lowlevel_cleaner into a log file;
  • enable the debug option and check out the Developer's Log;
  • check out the Log module in the TYPO3 backend. Some general information about execution of the cache cleaner is written there. This logging cannot be disabled, contrary to the debug logging.

Known problems

None to date. Please report any problem to the TYPO3 English mailing list (typo3.english) or submit a bug report to the extension's bug tracker ( cachecleaner/issues).

To-Do list

No further development will take place.