This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

Extension Developers

Register plugins and content types

The cacheopt Extension needs to know which tables belong to which content type or which plugin type. This information is stored in the CacheOptimizerRegistry.

To connect a table to a content type, you can use this command in the ext_localconf.php file of your Extension:

      ->registerContentForTable('tx_myext_mytable', 'my_content_type');

After adding this configuration the cache for all pages is cleared where content elements with the CType my_content_type are present when a tx_myext_mytable record is changed.

The configuration for plugin types is basically the same:

      ->registerPluginForTable('tx_myext_mytable', 'my_plugin_type');

There are also methods for connecting multiple tables with content or plugin types:



Excluding tables from reference index traveral

It does not make sense to traverse the reference index for all tables and all fields.

Default configuration

Some tables are already excluded by default to prevent endless cache clearing processes which might occur when a record is related to many other records, like sys_langauge:

  • fe_groups
  • fe_users
  • sys_file_storage
  • sys_language

Exclude addtional tables / fields

To exclude an additional table from refindex traversal you can also use the registry:


In some cases it can also make sense to exclude certain fields from refindex traversal to prevent a too exhaustive cache clearing. For this you can use:

      ->registerExcludedFieldForTable('tx_myext_mytable', 'my_excluded_field');

Prevent automatic exclusion

All tables registered to plugins or content types will be excluded by default because in most cases it is enough to clear the cache for the related content elements.

To prevent this you can provide an additional third parameter to the register methods:

      ->registerContentForTable('tx_myext_mytable', 'my_content_type', FALSE);

      ->registerPluginForTable('tx_myext_mytable', 'my_plugin_type', FALSE);