.. _EnablingFrontendEditing: ========================== Enabling Frontend Editing ========================== .. include:: ../../Includes.txt To enable Frontend editing, please follow these basic steps: #. Add the **FE-Editing** Static Template to the Calendar page (see :ref:`Step5AddTheStaticTemplates`). #. Open the Calendar Base plugin and add any combination of the following Allowed Views options in the General Settings tab. ***\*** Included in typical Basic Frontend Calendar Editor settings* #. Enable the Frontend Editing option in the Constant Editor (see :ref:`CalendarBaseGeneralConstantEditorForm`) #. Specify which Frontend Users or Frontend Usergroups will be permitted to make changes to the calendar #. Assign the specific rights via TS-Setup – please refer to the chapter :ref:`Rights`.You have extensive control over what gets created, edited, deleted. These options are used to limit the Frontend Calendar Administrator's available options.