This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

Breaking: Removal of WEC map extension Stuff

See :issue:``


The extension wec_map got its last update early 2017 and is not compatible with any current TYPO3 LTS version. To clean up the code base, every usage and mention of the extension (and corresponding follow ups) were removed. Even if the functions are considered useful it makes no sense to keep outdated code in the ode base of cal. A better way would be to check either


Functions that rely on wec_map are removed and will not work any more. That includes the display of any map and the “find events nearby” function.

Affected Installations

Any installations using functions of wec_map.


Nothing to migrate, the functions are gone and needed to redone if needed.