.. include:: Images.txt .. _AddingAnRssFeed: =================== Adding an RSS Feed =================== .. include:: ../Includes.txt One of the advanced features of the Calendar Base extension is the ability to offer your Frontend users the luxury of an RSS Feed that will keep them apprised of event changes in your site's calendar. There are three steps to this process. #. **Add the News-Feed Static Template.** Refer to Illustration 42. Add the **News-Feed (RSS, RDF, ATOM) (cal)** Static Template to either your root template or the Calendar Page template. |img-49| **Illustration 42: Adding the RSS Feed (News-Feed)** #. **Edit the Related Constants in the Constant Editor.** Refer to Illustration 43. Select the Calendar Base (RSS) constants from the Category drop-down menu. Then scroll down the Constant Editor to change the following three Constants: ( **1** ) **News-Feed XML-Title.** Change this to whatever you would like to call your feed. ( **2** ) **News-Feed XML-Link.** Change this to your homepage URL. ( **3** ) **News-Feed XML- Description.** Change this to a brief description of your feed. Click the update button to save your changes. |img-50| **Illustration 43: Changing RSS Constants in the Constant Editor** #. **Set the Storage Location for Events.** After setting the Calendar Base (RSS) constants, you'll also want to make sure that the **Page ID where are events are stored** has also been set properly. You'll find this setting within the Calendar Base (General) section of the Constant Editor. #. **Add a Subscription Link.** Invite Frontend users to subscribe to your RSS feed by adding a subscription link. The easiest way to do this is to add a Text Content Element to your calendar page (probably right above the Calendar Base plugin). Type *Subscribe to Our RSS Feed* in the Header field and then include a link (in the header field) to your RSS feed. To determine what your link will be, first find the PID of your Calendar page (see Illustration 44) by hovering your mouse over the Calendar page in the Page Tree. The number that appears will be the PID. With this information, your link will be as follows: |img-51| **Illustration 44: Finding a Page's PID** http://www.YOUR-SITE-URL.com/index.php?id=PID&type=151 There are three parts to this link. (1) The link to the index page ( ` **http://www.YOUR-SITE-URL.com/index.php** `_ **)** ; (2) The id number to the page (:underline:`**?id=PID**` where PID is the Page ID number of your Calendar page); and (3) The RSS Feed Type (:underline:`**&type=151**` ). All three parts must be a part of your link. When you have finished, save the Content Element, view the page, and click on the link. This will take you to an RSS Subscription page and you will be able to subscribe to the Calendar's Feed, which will keep you apprised of any changes made to the calendar.