.. _Localization: ============= Localization ============= .. include:: ../../Includes.txt Calendar Base supports localization using the same configuration as TYPO3 and other extensions. The most critical and often missed step in this location is to set the appropriate locale in Typoscript. This locale information is used to generate day and month names in the correct language. #. Open `http://www.YOUR-SITE-URL.com/typo3conf/ext/cal/misc/locales.php `_ in your browser. This will show you a listing of all the locales available on your system. Copy the the one that best matches your language and/or location. #. Within the Typoscript Setup for your page, add :: config.locale_all = MY_LOCALE where MY\_LOCALE is the value you copied in step 1. #. View the Frontend Calendar pages. Day and month names should now be shown in the correct language.