.. include:: Images.txt .. _Step3ActivateTheModifiedTemplateFile: ============================================ Step 3: Activate the Modified Template File ============================================ .. include:: ../../../Includes.txt Once you've successfully modified the template file, upload and activate the file by: #. Refer to Illustration 54. Click the **Filelist** **Module** ( **1** ), select the folder where you wish to upload your file to, ( **2** ) and click the **Upload Files** button ( **3** ). |img-62| **Illustration 54: Choosing Your Upload Location** #. Follow the directions and upload the file into the ext-templates sub- directory. Your modified template should now be uploaded to the location you chose. In our example here, the path to that location is: **fileadmin/ext-templates/TemplateName.tmpl** #. Refer to Illustration 55. Click the **Template** module ( **4** ), and click the page where your Calendar Base plugin is configured ( **5** ). |img-63| **Illustration 55: Pointing TYPO3 to the Modified Template File** #. Choose the **Constant Editor** from the drop down list in the upper right corner of the page ( **6** ), and chose Calendar Base (Templates) from the **Category:** drop down list ( **7** ). #. Scroll down the page to find the template you've modified and put a check in the corresponding check box ( **8** ). #. Scroll back up and click **Update** ( **9** ) to enable the text input box. #. In the text input box, insert the path of your modified template (in our example, it would be **fileadmin/ext- templates/YourTemplateName.tmpl** ). Scroll back up and click the **Update** button once again. Do the same for any or all the templates you wish to modify.