.. include:: ../Includes.txt 0.9.0 - 1.3.3 --------------------- .. ### BEGIN~OF~TABLE ### .. container:: table-row Version 1.3.3 Changes Fixed several bugs with recurring events. Added translations for some labels where they were missing. Fixed several issues with frontend editing. .. container:: table-row Version 1.3.2 Changes !!! Security fix. Please upgrade immediately !!! .. container:: table-row Version 1.3.1 Changes Fixed fatal error with felogin on TYPO3 4.3.1 and greater. Fixed incompatibility with saltedpasswords in TYPO3 4.3.0 and greater. Fixed linking issues with dayview and backlinks. Fixed issue with category filtering in frontend output. Several other small bugfixes. See ChangeLog within the extension for full details. .. container:: table-row Version 1.3.0 Changes Improved getdate and view parameter handling to more intelligently select the view based on date parameters. ***NOTE: RealURL configuration must be updated!*** Improved recurring events by adding rdate recurrence support and recurrence indexing. Improved recurring event indexer so that it is now stable. Indexing recurring events decreases memory consumption. ***NOTE: If you use the Scheduler in TYPO3 4.3 with Calendar Base, you must enable the new Recurring Event Model and Indexer.*** Added regional event feature to show nearby events. Added support for experimental calajax extension with vastly improved frontend editing. Added support for TYPO3 4.3 caching framework. Added support for TYPO3 4.3 Scheduler as a replacement for Gabriel extension. Added support for TYPO3 4.3 date picker and removed date2cal requirement. Removed deprecated functional calls for better PHP 5.3 compatibility. Many more bugfixes. See ChangeLog within the extension for full details. .. container:: table-row Version 1.2.1 Changes !!! Security Fix. Please upgrade immediately !!! .. container:: table-row Version 1.2.0 Changes The date2cal extension is now required. Major caching improvements. Added additional checks for valid event objects, fixing several bugs in 1.1.0 Added rdate support, allowing arbitrary dates, times, and durations for each recurrence. Added compatibility with TYPO3 4.3 caching framework. Overriding locallang strings through Typoscript now works as in other extensions. Bugfixes for event notifications. Bugfixes for iCal import, especially in the area of timezone support. Small XHTML cleanups. Fixed bug with update script needed when upgrading from a version earlier than 0.16.0. .. container:: table-row Version 1.1.0 Changes Added ability to configure frontend editing views of locations and organizers. Added category-specific event notifications. Added organizer loader, in addition to location loader. Reduced cache size by adding non-cached verison of substituteMarkerArray. Fixed Firefox 3 and Safari 3 problems with recurring event user interface. Fixed problems with Typoscript locallang overrides when locallang labels were also used within Typoscript. Merged Flexform subscription options into a single field. Please double check your existing settings! Many more minor bugfixes. See ChangeLog within the extension for full details. .. container:: table-row Version 1.0.0 Changes First stable release, functionally identical to 0.17.3. PHP 5 is required from 1.0.0 onward. .. container:: table-row Version 0.17.3 Changes !!! 0.17.x branch is the end of the PHP 4 roadmap !!! Bugfixes for notification and reminder services. Bugfixes for location and organizer service when using partner. Fixed bug with all day events in RSS feeds. .. container:: table-row Version 0.17.2 Changes Fixed several inconsistencies with Flexform, Typoscript settings, and Typoscript reference. Fixed several bugs when only one view was allowed on a page. Backend bugfixes for treeview and recurring event fields. .. container:: table-row Version 0.17.1 Changes Fixed several small frontend editing bugs for non-admin users. Fixed week view bugs when starting the week with Sunday. Cleaned up XHTML output in week view. Added many new Typoscript configuration options for list view. Added general stdWrap processing to transform all dates. .. container:: table-row Version 0.17.0 Changes Major improvements to Typoscript configuration and rendering. Integration with default content elements and DAM is now possible. Improved XHTML compliance in templates. Added several list view configuration options for more flexible page browser and event filters. Fixed several bugs with backend data entry when the format used periods or slashes. Added support for event records within the Insert Records content element. Updated Context Sensitive Help for all database tables and added new help text for Flexform fields (requires TYPO3 4.2 and greater). .. container:: table-row Version 0.16.6 Changes Identical to 0.16.5 release. .. container:: table-row Version 0.16.5 Changes Fixed bug when copying events Fixed bug with adding exceptions to events that link to internal TYPO3 pages. Fixed bug with recurring events on the 5th mo/tu/we/etc of each month. Fixed bugs with all day events in week view. Fixed ICS bug when recurrence frequency is blank. Added support for date2cal version 7. Improved Typoscript options for formatting dates. .. container:: table-row Version 0.16.4 Changes Fix for long events in list view, day view, and week view. Further ICS cleanups for all day events and special characters. Minor bugfixes in frontend editing. Added new styling for free and busy views. Added missing Typoscript configuration for phone number. .. container:: table-row Version 0.16.3 Changes Fixed rare crashes during install or Indexed Search crawling. XHTML cleanups in several templates. Improved caching support in Frontend Editing. ICS output bugfixes. Frontend editing bugfixes. Recurring event bugfixes. .. container:: table-row Version 0.16.2 Changes Lots of small bugfixes, mainly on Typoscript configuration and the various frontend views. .. container:: table-row Version 0.16.1 Changes Fixed FlexForm field for adding custom Typoscript. Fixed some list view rendering bugs. Fixed weekStartDay configuration. Fixed PHP error when creating an ICS file. Fixed several PHP errors in frontend editing. .. container:: table-row Version 0.16.0 Changes Full localization of records. Added event attendees and basic scheduling. Converted all internal date handling to PEAR date. Converted date storage from UNIX timestamp to yyyymmdd. Added support for dates prior to 1970 and after 2030 with the two date changes described above. Updated naming conventions for many Typoscript objects. Added configuration options and improved output of RSS feeds. Added frontend users as event organizer source. Totally refactored frontend editing. Moved frontend editing and ICS export to individual static templates. Added support for attaching images and files to events. Added full Typoscript reference to the manual. .. container:: table-row Version 0.15.5 Changes Improved display of all day events. Bugfix for workspace support. Bugfix for RTE support when non-admins edit events in the frontend. Bugfix for start and end time when searching. Added constant for setting UID prefix in ICS exports. .. container:: table-row Version 0.15.4 Changes Bugfixes for category handling and frontend editing. .. container:: table-row Version 0.15.3 Changes Removed option for nested or flat categories since the nested interface also supports flat categories. Recurring event interface is enabled by default. Several bugfixes for category handling. Smaller bugfixes for RSS view, ICS view, and recurring events. .. container:: table-row Version 0.15.2 Changes Added completely new icon set. Thanks to Ingo Renner! Added filtering to RSS view so that scheduled events are only shown a few days in advance. Lots of cleanup to frontend editing. Improved formatting and default search ranges in each search view. Enabled support for workspaces. Internal update to use Singleton pattern for global variables. Added completely rewritten manual. Thanks to Bill Tenny-Brittian and Web-Empowered Church! .. container:: table-row Version 0.15.1 Changes Fixes for various timezone bugs, both backend and frontend. Backend usability enhancements, including major update to exception events. Improved custom marker functionality. Lots of minor bugfixes throughout the extension. .. container:: table-row Version 0.15.0 Changes Complete rewrite of recurring event processing. Rewrite of search functionality. Unneeded recurring event options are now hidden based on frequency of recurrence. Added simplified user interface for creating recurring events. Grouped start date and time and end date and time. Added ability to filter calendars and categories through Typoscript or FlexForm treeview. Improved backend labels for events to include start time. Added a pagebrowser to list view and added options to group list view events by day, week, or month. Cleaned up spec compatibility with iCal and RSS exports. Changed upload paths to be cal-specific (uploads/tx\_cal/). Improved Typoscript support by adding stdWrap in many places. Fixed bug with one week months. .. container:: table-row Version 0.14.1 Changes Fixed bug: \- creating event from month-view \- location & organizer view \- extended backlink functionality to work with different page\_ids \- in strtotimeOffset .. container:: table-row Version 0.14.0 Changes Many many bugfixes Added link range controll Added custom marker functionalit: e.g. ###UID### Added functionality for custom language marker, e.g. ###WHATEVER\_LABEL### in phpicalendar.tmpl will look for l\_event\_whatever Added support for modules -> ###MODULE\_\_TEST### Changed categories to be also global (without a calendar) List view marker are now same as event marker Events can be created without being logged in Backlinks are generated dynamically – multistage possible Added attachments to events Suppressed link -generation of week and day if they don't have an event Changed all date functions to GMT base. SERVER\_TIME\_OFFSET has to be configured right in the install tool Changed all double quotes to single quotes Added option for custom view Cron functionality for notification and ICS update .. container:: table-row Version 0.13.1 Changes Fixed bug that prevented events from showing. Added security checks for piVars. .. container:: table-row Version 0.13.0 Changes Lots of bugfixes! Added ability to define multiple views in the plugin's FlexForm?. Added Free/Busy views and shared events. Private events can show up only as busy, or can be shared with certain users. Integrated latitude/longitude into location and Google Maps into location view. Static elements from various views are now configurable through Typoscript. Date and time formats are now configurable through Typoscript and strftime(), rather than embedded in locallang files. Categories are now optional End times are now option. If no end time is given, the start time is used. Templates for notification emails. Extensible services for notifications and reminders. .. container:: table-row Version 0.12.1 Changes Bugfixes for all day events, listview and typos in static TS. Added category requirement in frontend editing. Raised maximum TYPO3 version and updated required extensions in ext\_emconf.php .. container:: table-row Version 0.12.0 Changes Added support for multiple calendars. Improved Calendar->Category->Event relationships. Added support for caching (and Indexed Search). Removed requirement for anonymousUserID. Added flexible location and organizer models through services. Completed icon set. Lots of bugfixes .. container:: table-row Version 0.11.0 Changes Bugfixes Events as link Search Login .. container:: table-row Version 0.10.0 Changes Changed location and organizer fields to use tt\_address. Added manual. Added FlexForm for frontend plugin configuration. Enhanced Typoscript-based permissions system. .. container:: table-row Version 0.9.0 Changes Added support for category colors Configuration of the different page ids is possible Added French translation .. ###### END~OF~TABLE ######