1.7.0 --------------------- :: * TYPO3 LTS 6.2 support version * New Feature: use of FAL. Please read chapter „Updating to version 1.7.0“ * Bug #57344: TYPO3 6.2 migration result * Bug #58209: category selection allocation no more possible for normal editors * Bug #58406: Problem with FE-Edit/Categories * Bug #58629: Fix invalid SQL in icalender service * Bug #58722: Random images with typo3 6.2 * Bug #60178: External calendars and TYPO3 6.2 * Bug #60759: PHP Catchable Fatal Error: Argument 3 passed to ... * Bug #60862: import .ics-file * Bug #61922: Minical view leads to Exception in dev environment * Bug #61935: Event View show images from an other element * Bug #62045: No workspace preview on any page (including tx\_cal data/plugin or not) tx\_cal\_event\_service.php * Suggestion #62304: New function validateDateRanges() is not a good idea