This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.


Here you will find some random examples how to use Foundation framework within TYPO3 project.

Accordion for DateMenu in News extension

If you use news extension version 3.0.0, you can easily override any Fluid template used by the extension. All you need is to define the path to your custom templates in TypoScript, like:

plugin.tx_news {
  view {
    layoutRootPaths.101 = EXT:myext/Resources/Private/news/Layouts/
    partialRootPaths.101 = EXT:myext/Resources/Private/news/Partials/
    templateRootPaths.101 = EXT:myext/Resources/Private/news/Templates/

Then, you can create a custom template for DateMenu in EXT:myext/Resources/Private/news/Templates/News/DateMenu.html:

{namespace n=Tx_News_ViewHelpers}
<f:layout name="General" />

<f:section name="content">
  <div class="news-menu-view">
    <dl class="accordion" data-accordion>
      <f:for each="{data.single}" key="year" as="months" iteration="iter">
        <dd class="{f:if(condition: '{year} == {overwriteDemand.year}', then: 'active')}
                   {f:if(condition: '{0:iter.index, 1:overwriteDemand.year} == {0:0, 1:0}',
                        then: 'active')}">
          <a href="#a{year}">{year}</a>
          <div id="a{year}" class="content{f:if(condition: '{year} == {overwriteDemand.year}',
                        then: ' active')}
                   {f:if(condition: '{0:iter.index, 1:overwriteDemand.year} == {0:0, 1:0}',
                        then: ' active')}">
            <ul class="side-nav">
              <f:for each="{months}" key="month" as="count">
                <f:if condition="{0:year, 1:month} == {0:overwriteDemand.year,
                    <li class="item active">
                    <li class="item">
                  <f:link.action pageUid="{listPid}"
                                 arguments="{overwriteDemand:{year: year, month: month}}">
                    <f:translate key="month.{month}" /> {year} ({count})

Rendering vCards unsing microformats

Foundation includes some default CSS styling for vCard microformats. An easy way to render vCards is to use tt_address extension. The default template provided with tt_address already renders microformats, and you can customize it as you need.

Example of vcard rendering.