.. include:: _IncludedDirectives.rst ========================= Configuration Reference ========================= Foundation JavaScript initialization ==================================== Functionalities of Foundation that rely on JavaScript are initialized by calling the ``foundation`` JavaScript function. In order to call it using the right parameters, we construct an inline JavaScript footer using ``page.jsFooterInline.65`` TypoScript setup. ``65`` is an arbitrary index. Please report a bug if it conflicts with any other TYPO3 extension. The parameters of the JavaScript function are built using TypoScript. ``page.jsFooterInline.65.20`` is a ``COA`` and each value of it is added as parameter of the ``foundation()`` function. Orbit parameters are added to ``page.jsFooterInline.65.20.10``. Here is what the TypoScript for Orbit looks like: .. code-block:: ts page.jsFooterInline.65.20.10 = COA page.jsFooterInline.65.20.10 { stdWrap.wrap = orbit: {|}, stdWrap.required = 1 1 = TEXT 1.value = {$plugin.tx_cbfoundation.settings.orbit.animation} 1.stdWrap.wrap = animation: '|', 1.stdWrap.required = 1 ... } ``page.jsFooterInline.65.20.20`` is for Clearing Lightbox options. ``page.jsFooterInline.65.20.30`` is for Magellan options. If you need to add other parameters to the ``foundation`` function, you simply need to add new elements to the ``page.jsFooterInline.65.20`` COA. .. _cust-rte: Customizing RTE =============== If you need to adapt styles used in the RTE, copy can copy the ``EXT:cb_foundation/Resources/Private/Scss/rte.scss`` file into the scss directory of your project. You will then need to change the value of ``RTE.default.contentCSS`` in the PageTSConfig. This is needed if you want to use custom values from your ``_settings.scss`` file, for example. The PageTSConfig loaded by |extension_key| will delete all previously defined classes in RTE. If you need to add other classes, or if you load an extension that modify RTE config, you should load it after |extension_key| is loaded. The RTE PageTSConfig of |extension_key| is defined in ``EXT:cb_foundation/Configuration/TSConfig/RTE.ts``