.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. ================================================-- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. include:: ../Includes.txt ============================== Usage ============================== You can use the plugin in 3 ways: 1. Include Plugin ================= Just insert the plugin on a page with an “insert plugin” record. 2. Include TypoScript ===================== Include the plugin into your typo3script template to make it visible on the whole site. Example: .. code-block:: typoscript page.50 < plugin.tx_ccfeinfo_pi1 In a fluid template this would look like this: .. code-block:: html 3. use the PHP class in your own plugin ======================================= If you want to include cc_feinfo into your own plugin for testing purposes you can do that like this: .. code-block:: php $info = new \Colorcube\CcFeinfo\FeInfo(); $info->init($this); $content .= $info->pi_getInfoOutput(); If you want to get a toggle-able output frame use this as the last line: .. code-block:: php $content .= $info->pi_getToggledInfoOutput(); Remarks ======= If you think this all looks ugly , keep in mind that this is code from 2004.