This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

Developer Manual

Add a hook before password reset mail rendering

You can add a hook before the password reset email is render. This allow to add more variables or change partial template path.


In ext_localconf.php:

$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['cdsrc_bepwreset']['CDSRC\CdsrcBepwreset\Tool\ResetTool']['preRenderMail'][] =
\CustomTemplate\TemplateDefault\Hooks\ResetToolHook::class . '->preMailRendering';

In template_default/Classes/Hooks/ResetToolHook:

namespace CustomTemplate\TemplateDefault\Hooks;

class ResetToolHook
     * @param array $params
     * @param \CDSRC\CdsrcBepwreset\Tool\ResetTool $resetTool
    public function preMailRendering(array $params, \CDSRC\CdsrcBepwreset\Tool\ResetTool $resetTool){
        /** @var \CDSRC\CdsrcBepwreset\View\MailStandaloneView $view */
        $view = $params['view'];
        $params['variables']['additionalInformation'] = 'some data';

Translate emails

Once you have redefined the mail template, you can translate it by using Fluid condition based on user language.

<f:switch expression="{user.lang}">
   <f:case value="de">My text in german</f:case>
   <f:case value="fr">My text in french</f:case>
   <f:defaultCase>My default text</f:defaultCase>