Migrate ext_news media and related files to FAL ==== Intended audience ---- Experienced TYPO3 Integrators and Developers Status ---- Tested on 6.2 with news 3.2.x (2900 news records and 8 GB of files) and on 7.6 with news 4.3.x, feel free to adapt to your needs. Usage --- **PLEASE make a backup of the database and the folder uploads/tx_news first!** Run the migration from CLI: `typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh extbase mediamigrate:mediamigrate --pid PID_WITH_NEWS_RECORDS --folder fileadmin/WHATEVER` This command copies the files from uploads/tx_news to the folder and creates FAL references for the media and related file elements of a news record. After checking the migration you can delete the migrated files and the old references: `typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh extbase mediamigrate:mediadelete --pid PID_WITH_NEWS_RECORDS` Then you will have to enter `1`, if you want to proceed. All activities are logged in typo3temp/logs/CitkoNewsMediamigrate.log. That's it. The extension fits our purpose, feel free to modify it! After migration delete the extension from your system and update your reference index. Big thanks to my company [Citkomm](http://www.citkomm.de) for letting me publish this.