.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. include:: ../../Includes.txt Tutorial ======== Category-navigation ------------------- Use the following TypoScript-Code in order to get a category navigation: :: lib.tx_commerce.navigation = HMENU lib.tx_commerce.navigation { special = userfunction special.userFunc = user_tx_commerce_catmenu_pub->init special { // category for first level category = {$plugin.tx_commerce_lib.catUid} // show products showProducts = 0 // comma-separated list of fields, which shall additionally be processed in the menu additionalFields = teaser, teaserimages // PID fuer die Anzeige der Seite overridePid = {$plugin.tx_commerce_lib.overridePid} // EntryLervel entryLevel = 0 // list of categories, where the manufacturer will be shown with the category in the // menu displayMenuForCat < // add parameter deepth an dpath to URL for a even faster rendering of the navigation useRootlineInformationToUrl = {$plugin.tx_commerce_lib.useRootlineInformationToUrl} // menu level 1 = TMENU 2 = TMENU 3 = TMENU } 1 = TMENU 1.itemArrayProcFunc = user_tx_commerce_catmenu_pub->clear 2 = TMENU 2.itemArrayProcFunc = user_tx_commerce_catmenu_pub->clear 3 = TMENU 3.itemArrayProcFunc = user_tx_commerce_catmenu_pub->clear }