This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

Since Version 6

Removed Files

WizardController.php This class is not needed anymore because specific allowed tables are controlled via page typoscript config now. Hooks/SrfeuserregisterPi1Hook.php the commerce team does not advocates to use this extension and the hook if here by removed.

Removed methods

BaseController::getDatabaseConnection removed as not used in any controller anymore OrderEditViewhelper::getDatabaseConnection all queries are replaced with repository calls ArticleHook::getDatabaseConnection all queries are replaced with repository calls AbstractRepository::getDatabaseConnection all queries are migrated to doctrine dbal queryBuilder BasicBasket::getDatabaseConnection moved to Basket::getDatabaseConnection as it is only used in that class AbstractEntity::getDatabaseConnection to Product::getDatabaseConnection as it is only used in that class BackendUserUtility::getDatabaseConnection query was moved to BackendUsergroupRepository Basket::getDatabaseConnection querie were moved to BasketRepository Commands::getDatabaseConnection query was moved to SysDomainRepository TcaAttributeFields::getDatabaseConnection queries where moved to AttributeRepository TcaSelectItems::getDatabaseConnection queries where moved to CategoryRepository BackendUtility::getDatabaseConnection queries where moved to corresponding repositories TceformsUtility::getDatabaseConnection query was moved to SysLanguageRepository and ProductRepository StatisticTask::getDatabaseConnection queries where moved to corresponding repositories OrdermailHook::getDatabaseConnection queries where moved to AddressRepository and MoveOrderMailRepository CommerceLinkHandler::getDatabaseConnection query was moved to ProductRepository DatabaseRowArticleData::getDatabaseConnection query was moved to SysRefindexRepository DataMapHook::getDatabaseConnection queries where moved to corresponding repositories BasicDaoMapper::getDatabaseConnection queries where moved to corresponding repositories StatisticsUtility::getDatabaseConnection queries where moved to corresponding repositories CategoryRecordList::getDatabaseConnection queries where changed to use queryBuilder OrderRecordList::getDatabaseConnection queries where changed to use queryBuilder UpdateUtility::getDatabaseConnection queries where moved to corresponding repositories DataProvider::getDatabaseConnection queries where changed to use queryBuilder NavigationViewHelper::getDatabaseConnection queries where changed to use queryBuilder DisplayConditionUtility::getDatabaseConnection queries where moved to ProductRepository Product::getAttributeMatrixQuery queries where moved to corresponding repositories Product::getDatabaseConnection queries where moved to corresponding repositories

FolderRepository::getFolders should not be used anymore, please use ::getFolder instead BaseController::renderValue.NUMBERFORMAT this type of formating is possible via stdWrap.numberFormat and takes the configuration decimals, dec_point, thousands_sep so just replace NUMBERFORMAT with stdWrap.numberFormat = 1 and add stdWrap.numberFormat.deci… and so on BaseController::makeArticleView added method_exists before calling it as this method is only used in ListController BaseController::renderSingleView because it is only implemented and called in ListController OrderEditViewhelper::articleOrderId changed field to input and readOnly solves the same purpose OrderEditViewhelper::crdate there is no need to render it like this. TCA was modified to use core means. OrderEditViewhelper::sumPriceGrossFormat not needed anymore replaced with custom eval OrderEditViewhelper::feUserOrders orders now are rendered as inline OrderEditViewhelper::invoiceAddress replaced by usage of ::address OrderEditViewhelper::deliveryAddress replaced by usage of ::address

Removed parameter

FolderRepository::initFolders $parentTitle FolderRepository::initFolders $executeUpdateUtility AddressObserver::update $_ removed the unused parameter. Only the uid will be accepted. FeuserObserver::update $_ removed the unused parameter. Only the uid will be accepted. OrderEditViewhelper::address $_ removed the unused parameter.

Remove properties

ListController::product_array unused property. Replace with ListController::product->returnAssocArray()

Renamed classes

OrderEditFunc renamed to OrderEditViewhelper

Renamed controlls

commerceCategoryTree to selectCommerceCategoryTree to reflect what it is doing

Changed methods

Ccvs::validateCreditCard now respects the parameter of the super method. To be able to check with a checksum please use Ccvs::validate instead FolderRepository::initFolders order introduced in 5.0 is now the default and no fallback handling will be available anymore.

Changed hooks

Domain/Repository/CategoryRepository::getChildProducts ->productQueryPreHook first Parameter changed from $queryArray to $queryBuilder all changes made to the different array keys need to be changed to modify the queryBuilder

Changed rendering

BaseController::renderValue FILES changed to ignore $value and imgFolder. This was necessary to be able to render FAL files. This change also removed allStdWrap and linkStdWrap. Please have a look at TypoScript lib.tx_commerce.stdImage to see how images get rendered now.