.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. include:: ../../Includes.txt Since Version 6 =============== Removed Files ------------- WizardController.php This class is not needed anymore because specific allowed tables are controlled via page typoscript config now. Hooks/SrfeuserregisterPi1Hook.php the commerce team does not advocates to use this extension and the hook if here by removed. Removed methods --------------- BaseController::getDatabaseConnection removed as not used in any controller anymore OrderEditViewhelper::getDatabaseConnection all queries are replaced with repository calls ArticleHook::getDatabaseConnection all queries are replaced with repository calls AbstractRepository::getDatabaseConnection all queries are migrated to doctrine dbal queryBuilder BasicBasket::getDatabaseConnection moved to Basket::getDatabaseConnection as it is only used in that class AbstractEntity::getDatabaseConnection to Product::getDatabaseConnection as it is only used in that class BackendUserUtility::getDatabaseConnection query was moved to BackendUsergroupRepository Basket::getDatabaseConnection querie were moved to BasketRepository Commands::getDatabaseConnection query was moved to SysDomainRepository TcaAttributeFields::getDatabaseConnection queries where moved to AttributeRepository TcaSelectItems::getDatabaseConnection queries where moved to CategoryRepository BackendUtility::getDatabaseConnection queries where moved to corresponding repositories TceformsUtility::getDatabaseConnection query was moved to SysLanguageRepository and ProductRepository StatisticTask::getDatabaseConnection queries where moved to corresponding repositories OrdermailHook::getDatabaseConnection queries where moved to AddressRepository and MoveOrderMailRepository CommerceLinkHandler::getDatabaseConnection query was moved to ProductRepository DatabaseRowArticleData::getDatabaseConnection query was moved to SysRefindexRepository DataMapHook::getDatabaseConnection queries where moved to corresponding repositories BasicDaoMapper::getDatabaseConnection queries where moved to corresponding repositories StatisticsUtility::getDatabaseConnection queries where moved to corresponding repositories CategoryRecordList::getDatabaseConnection queries where changed to use queryBuilder OrderRecordList::getDatabaseConnection queries where changed to use queryBuilder UpdateUtility::getDatabaseConnection queries where moved to corresponding repositories DataProvider::getDatabaseConnection queries where changed to use queryBuilder NavigationViewHelper::getDatabaseConnection queries where changed to use queryBuilder DisplayConditionUtility::getDatabaseConnection queries where moved to ProductRepository Product::getAttributeMatrixQuery queries where moved to corresponding repositories Product::getDatabaseConnection queries where moved to corresponding repositories FolderRepository::getFolders should not be used anymore, please use ::getFolder instead BaseController::renderValue.NUMBERFORMAT this type of formating is possible via stdWrap.numberFormat and takes the configuration decimals, dec_point, thousands_sep so just replace NUMBERFORMAT with stdWrap.numberFormat = 1 and add stdWrap.numberFormat.deci... and so on BaseController::makeArticleView added method_exists before calling it as this method is only used in ListController BaseController::renderSingleView because it is only implemented and called in ListController OrderEditViewhelper::articleOrderId changed field to input and readOnly solves the same purpose OrderEditViewhelper::crdate there is no need to render it like this. TCA was modified to use core means. OrderEditViewhelper::sumPriceGrossFormat not needed anymore replaced with custom eval OrderEditViewhelper::feUserOrders orders now are rendered as inline OrderEditViewhelper::invoiceAddress replaced by usage of ::address OrderEditViewhelper::deliveryAddress replaced by usage of ::address Removed parameter ----------------- FolderRepository::initFolders $parentTitle FolderRepository::initFolders $executeUpdateUtility AddressObserver::update $_ removed the unused parameter. Only the uid will be accepted. FeuserObserver::update $_ removed the unused parameter. Only the uid will be accepted. OrderEditViewhelper::address $_ removed the unused parameter. Remove properties ----------------- ListController::product_array unused property. Replace with ListController::product->returnAssocArray() Renamed classes --------------- OrderEditFunc renamed to OrderEditViewhelper Renamed controlls ----------------- commerceCategoryTree to selectCommerceCategoryTree to reflect what it is doing Changed methods --------------- Ccvs::validateCreditCard now respects the parameter of the super method. To be able to check with a checksum please use Ccvs::validate instead FolderRepository::initFolders order introduced in 5.0 is now the default and no fallback handling will be available anymore. Changed hooks ------------- Domain/Repository/CategoryRepository::getChildProducts ->productQueryPreHook first Parameter changed from $queryArray to $queryBuilder all changes made to the different array keys need to be changed to modify the queryBuilder Changed rendering ----------------- BaseController::renderValue FILES changed to ignore $value and imgFolder. This was necessary to be able to render FAL files. This change also removed allStdWrap and linkStdWrap. Please have a look at TypoScript lib.tx_commerce.stdImage to see how images get rendered now.