.. include:: ../../Includes.txt .. _FAQ: FAQ ^^^ Q: I'm getting "Uncaught TYPO3 Exception #1289386765: Could not analyse class:Tx\_Community\_Service\_Access\_AccessService maybe not loaded or no autoloader? Tx\_Extbase\_Object\_Container\_Exception\_UnknownObjectException thrown in file \typo3\sysext\extbase\Classes\Object\Container\ClassInfoFactory.php in line 45." A: Please include Community static template. Q: I'm getting “Fatal error: Call to a member function getParentKeyFieldName() on a non-object in \typo3\sysext\extbase\Classes\Persistence\Storage\Typo3DbBackend.php on line 660“ when accessing page with threaded messages plugin. A: The static template form Community has to be included after the static template from Extbase (as we are overriding some Extbase classes). You can check the order of templates in Template Analyzer. Q: How can I preserve community parameters in TYPO3 page menu? A: add this line to Typoscript configuration config.linkVars := addToList(tx\_community) alternatively you can use typolink “addQueryString =1” in your menu like this: :: 1 = TMENU 1 { NO { linkWrap =
  • |
  • doNotLinkIt = 1 stdWrap.typolink.parameter.data = page:uid stdWrap.typolink.addQueryString = 1 } }