.. include:: ../../Includes.txt .. _Extending-community: Extending Community ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The Community extension can easily extended to include custom fields. To extend Community you should create you own extensions. Since community is based on Extbase and Fluid, your extension has to be Extbase compliant as well. To do so, you need to use the new extension called "extension\_builder" to create you new extension. To "convert" your old extension, you can create a new one with the extension\_builder and copy your logic back from your old ext. #. Create a new extension with the "extension\_builder" extension and call it "communitylocal" (key). #. You can add yourself as a person (developer). #. Create a "New Model Object" by drag and drop the button to some place on the screen. #. Edit the object and call it "User". #. Set "Map to existing table" to "fe\_users" and also set "Extend existing model class" to "Tx\_Community\_Domain\_Model\_User" #. Under properties add a property and call it "skype". Add description if you want to. #. If you finished save the new extension and install it. #. As we want our Tx\_Communitylocal\_Domain\_Model\_User to appear whenever Tx\_Community\_Domain\_Model\_User is needed, we add in TS: :: config.tx_extbase.objects.Tx_Community_Domain_Model_User.className = Tx_Communitylocal_Domain_Model_User Note: In TYPO3 versions lower then 4.6 domain objects couldn’t be replaced like this, and you have to use STI: :: config.tx_extbase.persistence.classes { # REQUIRED FOR TYPO3 < 4.6 Tx_Communitylocal_Domain_Model_User < .Tx_Community_Domain_Model_User Tx_Communitylocal_Domain_Model_User.mapping.recordType = 0 Tx_Community_Domain_Model_User { subclasses.0 = Tx_Communitylocal_Domain_Model_User } } # REQUIRED FOR TYPO3 < 4.6 #. Add the field in TS: :: plugin.tx_community { settings { profile { details { showDetails = ...,skype } } } } #. Now you have to add your new field to the according templates. You can find the templates for the community extension in the extension folder : /Resources/`Private It is recommended to copy the templates to the fileadmin folder and point to it via Typoscript. Hint: You can set your own translation labels like this: :: As an alternative, you can override all community labels with you own like this: In ext\_localconf of "communitylocal" add :: $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['locallangXMLOverride']['EXT:community/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xml'][]='EXT:communitylocal/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xml';