.. include:: ../Includes.txt ChangeLog ========= .. t3-field-list-table:: :header-rows: 1 - :Version: Version :Date: Release Date :Changes: Release Description - :Version: 3.0.2 - 3.0.6 :Date: 2016-04-01 :Changes: * Fix documentation rendering - :Version: 3.0.1 :Date: 2016-02-19 :Changes: * Deprecated static call of non staic function. * Install Tool “Extension check” failed * Loading JavaScript (require.js etc.) for context menu and many other Backend functions crashed. - :Version: 3.0.0 :Date: 2016-02-19 :Changes: * Refactored and cleaned code. Compatible with TYPO3 7.x. * Most of the code is rewritten. * Removed the drag & drop deny functionality. That will be come in a new ext maybe. * Now you can extend any CType too.Whats next?- Documentation will be rewritten in ReST (Sphinx) * Trying to extend/create Content Elements with real Database Fields (not Flexforms). - :Version: 2.7.1 :Date: - :Changes: * Bugfixes and last version for TYPO3 6.xBrand new Version with new features coming soon. - :Version: 2.7.0 :Date: - :Changes: Performance optimization for the Backend.Suggestion #67939: Backend performance issues - :Version: 2.6.1 :Date: - :Changes: Bugfix #66438: Warnings in PHP 5.6 about non-static methods called statically - :Version: 2.6.0 :Date: - :Changes: * Added a new Element for including external PHP Scripts * Changed the default TCA. Now automaticly copied from the header Ctype. See manual for change this. - :Version: 2.5.0 :Date: - :Changes: * Bugfixes: #61088, #61054 * Feature: Better integration in the backend. Now your elements can be controlled by the usergroup configuration field explicit allow/deny. See manual for more details and examples. * Updated manual * Cleaned the changelog list - :Version: 2.4.1 :Date: - :Changes: Bugfix (#60447) and removed obsolete Attributes in GoogleMaps iframe example - :Version: 2.4.0 :Date: - :Changes: Fixed bug with the condition userFunc - :Version: 2.3.9 :Date: - :Changes: Bugfix release: * #59196 Page properties sheet was still visible if nothing is set. * #59125 Disabling of Drag & Drop since 6.2 * #58965 Copy defaults content elements fail as a non-admin User - :Version: 2.3.8 :Date: - :Changes: Small TCA Bugfix - :Version: 2.3.7 :Date: - :Changes: Bugfixes & Features * Fixed usability with gridelements * Fixed missing sys_category field since 6.2.1 * Feature: moved TCA field definition to Typoscript tt_content.YOUR_CE.settings.tca (see manual) - :Version: 2.3.6 :Date: - :Changes: Updated the manual - :Version: 1.0.0 – 2.3.5 :Date: - :Changes: Initial release, features, bugfixes